Fort Fairfield Tigers take County tourney

17 years ago

    The Fort Fairfield junior girls’ softball team hoped for a perfect ending to a successful 2008 season. The 13-2-1 Tigers entered the NMCRA County Tournament with high expectations after winning the Maine Potato Blossom Festival Tournament and being named co-champions of the Ashland Invitational.     In the semifinal, the Tigers prevailed over Ashland 17-2. Logan Bubar went four-for-four at bat including three singles and a home run for the Tigers. Janae Libby added another home run in the second and hit a double. Abbey Player hit three-for-three. Libby and Bubar combined pitching for a two hit, two run performance.
    In the final game pitched Washburn against the Tigers. The Tigers struck first on double RBI from Player. Washburn came back in the bottom of the first with their own run. In the second inning, Tiger Camille Huffman singled to drive in two more runs. Cassidy Godin helped Fort Fairfield keep Washburn scoreless in the bottom of the inning.
    In the fifth inning, the Tigers added three more runs with RBIs from Nicole Giberson and Libby. Both teams added another run in the sixth, but Bubar ended the game by striking out all the Beaver batters for the 8-2 championship victory.
    Libby ended with five strikeouts, and Huffman had three RBIs. Giberson and Godin added two hits each.