Special to Aroostook Republican
The County Guild of Farmers and Artisans is a new group being formed and is open to anyone living in Aroostook County. Currently there are members from Bridgewater, Dyer Brook, Woodland, Westmanland, Perham, Washburn, Fort Fairfield, New Sweden, Stockholm and Caribou. The group is involved in discovering new forms of energies as well as viable ways of farming and providing energy. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, Aug. 18, at the Caribou Public Library from 6 to 8 p.m. Included in the agenda are topics including doing group or co-op buying for many items including fuel oil, seeds, organic foods and soil amendments which are more natural than the chemical soil additives. Buying co-op is less expensive and helps support local agriculture. More information can be found on the Web at aroostookcoop.freeforums.org.
Come for a visit and see what it’s all about. You need not be a member to order. Packets of information will be available. The group also takes field trips to learn alternative ways of farming and providing energy. For further information, contact Debra Viola at 498-3433, or Gary Kaszas at 554-7773.