To the editor:
Once upon a time, way back in the “olden days” my Algebra teacher was very frustrated with a student in the classroom, and he heaved an Algebra book across the room at him. The student ducked, the book landed flat on the floor, no one got hurt and we all had a good chuckle. Had this happened today with this school administration, I dare say that teacher would have had to face a firing squad at dawn. But, since no one tattled on him, our teacher, albeit still frustrated, lived to see another day.
Now, admittedly, I know nothing about Kirsten Albair’s teaching abilities and techniques except what I learned from Larry Thibodeau’s letter and the Pokey Point Pond radio broadcast. But, it seems to me that if, indeed, an off-color joke was told, or she spoke somewhat inappropriately about a subject, then perhaps a trip to the bathroom to have her mouth washed out with soap and water would have been proper punishment. But to fire her? Isn’t that a bit of an overkill?