Whitmore to return home

16 years ago
By Kathy McCarty  
Staff Writer

    ASHLAND – Devin Whitmore, the 2-year-old who was struck by a vehicle Sept. 2, will be returning home on Friday, exactly one month to the day since the accident that nearly cost the toddler his life.     Whitmore faces months of physical therapy. He’s unable to walk on his own but can stand and take steps with the help of loved ones.
    Doctors treating Whitmore at Eastern Maine Medical Center in Bangor had initially told his parents he had a slim chance of recovery, due to severe head trauma. But Whitmore surprised everyone, eventually being dubbed by doctors as the ‘little superhero.’
    The family credits all the prayers and good wishes they received for the child’s amazing progress. A number of fund-raisers have taken place since the accident to help the family.