Youth ‘Get Moo-ving’ at Smyrna’s Lilley Farm

16 years ago

    Local youth had the opportunity to tour the Lilley Dairy Farm in Smyrna through the “Get MOOving” program on October 6.
ImageUP CLOSE – Grace Stevens is gets a baby calf ready for the bottle while Martha King, Seth Tapley, Kora Lambert and Kianna Folsom look on.
    The program is designed to show youth the importance of milk and calcium in their diets, along with how physical activity can be beneficial, as well.
    Jim Lilley began the tour introducing the children to the barn and stalls, while discussing a cow’s diet and digestion system. The tour then went into the milking parlor and children were able to watch how Lilley records milk production on the computer to how cows are milked; where milk is stored and how it is picked up. One of the special spots on the farm was the calf shed where children could get up close to the claves and pet them.
ImageEXPLANATION – Jim Lilley is explaining to the children about a cow's diet and digestion.
      The day was hands-on-learning as the children discovered how the “From Cow to You” process all worked. The “Get MOOving” Program is sponsored by the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Eat Well Nutrition Program along with Healthy Aroostook, formally known as S.T.O.P., and the Houlton Recreation Department.
        For more information on the program, call Jolynn Stevens at the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Eat Well Nutrition Program at 532-6548 or Tracy Tweedie at Healthy Aroostook at 532-0908.