Students exhibit artistic creativity

16 years ago

    The second quarter project for Mrs. Sandra McGary's grade eight students at Houlton Jr./Sr. High School is the creation of an American Patriotic poster.  The project is part of a unit on American government. The students must create everything on the poster themselves. It must be made of some type of paper and have something three-dimensional.
ImageHoulton Pioneer Times Photo/Karen Donato
FIRST PLACE — Josh Daigle’s hard work paid off with a first place award for his American Patriotism project at the Houlton Jr. Sr. High School.

    The posters are given a number, but no student names, until after the judging. Teachers, administrators, librarians, custodians and high school students do the judging.
    Mrs. McGary said, “My former students are the best and most critical judges, because they know exactly what to look for, since they have already done a poster.”
ImageSECOND PLACE — Cassidy Nason, a Houlton Junior High student created this art project depicting a sight from New York City after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attack. Nason captured second place honors for her project.
    The posters are judged on: Did the student follow all directions? How much effort was put into making the poster? Is there something three-dimensional? Is it neat? Is it patriotic?
    Each judge selects three posters they believe to be the best. The three with the most checks are the winners.
    Mrs. McGary stated that she was very pleased with the posters this year and glad she was not a judge. She added that most all the students portrayed exceptional effort.
    The judges said that they had a difficult time choosing only three of the 111 posters entered in the competition.
ImageTHIRD PLACE — There’s more work than meets the eye in this very detailed work-of-art. Using a variety of colored paper and tissue paper, Kenzie Clark re-created a variety of United States flags and symbols representing our country.