Benefit supper raises $2,400 for fire victim

16 years ago
By Scott Mitchell Johnson
Staff Writer

    EASTON – Bernie Hussey of Easton is a loved man and he knows it.
    Hussey, who lost everything in a house fire Dec. 21, was the beneficiary of a supper Friday night that was attended by more than 350 people and raised more than $2,400.


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    SARAH HARBISON of Houlton, a student at the University of Maine at Orono, hugs Bernie Hussey at a benefit supper Friday night in Easton. Hussey lost everything in a house fire Dec. 21, and the supper helped raise more than $2,400 for the beloved resident. Harbison and Hussey know each other through the Aroostook Teen Leadership Camp, which hosted the event.


    “I couldn’t ask for anything better than that,” he said. “It was excellent.
    “When I get my feet braced and see a little bit more of the insurance money,” said Hussey, “a lot of this money [from the benefit supper] is going to go right back to some of these organizations – where it came from – because other people who don’t have insurance need it more than I do.”
    The supper, which was held at the Easton Elementary School cafeteria, was hosted by the Aroostook Teen Leadership Camp (ATLC).
    “Bernie has worked for ATLC for a long time … 20 years or more,” said ATLC staff member Ashley Hull. “He volunteers his time and service and I’ve known him the last 10 years.
    “When ATLC found out about the fire, we decided we wanted to do something for him, and one of our ideas was a benefit supper,” she said.
    ATLC is an annual five-day camp held at the Maine School of Science and Mathematics in Limestone during the first week of August. The main focus of the camp is to deter students from using drugs and alcohol in the future by using positive reinforcement.
    A number of businesses and organizations donated to the benefit supper.
    Mike’s Market provided hotdogs, ginger ale and condiments; the Easton Kiwanis Club supplied paper plates, Caribou Shop ‘n Save contributed cups and napkins, and Garelick Farms donated milk and cream.
    “We solicited the five local churches for potato salads, cole slaws and macaroni salads,” said Hull. “We asked for 30 salads, and we got a lot more than that. Staff at the Easton School Department made the desserts, and the cook and janitor both donated their time, as well. A lot of people contributed to the cause.
    “Mike’s Market donated over 200 hotdogs and some other people brought hotdogs, too,” she said, “but we ran out and had to go get more. My mother-in-law did an errand for me and went to the store and got more so we could steam them and get them ready.”
    Hull said organizers planned for 300 people, but served over 350.
    “We actually ran out of food,” she said. “It was an awesome event; we were overwhelmed with it.
    “I want to thank everyone who helped with the supper including the kids from the Easton Elementary School who stepped up and helped because we were understaffed,” said Hull. “I was overwhelmed with the number of people that were there and from different communities that offered to help.”
    Hussey, who celebrated his 89th birthday Tuesday, plans to move into an apartment at West Ridge Manor March 1.
    “The good Lord has blessed me,” he said. “I try to follow what He lays in my path to do and go from there.
    “As long as I have enough to pay my bills and put some food on the table, that’s all I care about,” said Hussey. “I’m a lucky man with a lot of people supporting me, and I thank them very much.”


Staff photo/Scott Mitchell JohnsonImage
    MORE THAN 350 PEOPLE attended a benefit supper Friday night for Easton’s Bernie Hussey, who lost his home and possessions in a Dec. 21 fire. The supper featured hotdogs, baked beans, salads, rolls, drinks and desserts. The supper, hosted by the Aroostook Teen Leadership Camp, raised more than $2,400.



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    DELANEY LEACH, a student at Easton Elementary School, helped collect trash following their meal Friday night at a benefit supper for Easton resident Bernie Hussey, who lost everything in a house fire Dec. 21.



Staff photo/Scott Mitchell JohnsonImage
    JUNIOR MISS EASTON Acacia Kimball prepares to bring more rolls to the food table at Friday night’s benefit supper for Easton resident Bernie Hussey. A number of businesses and organizations donated to the benefit supper, which consisted of hotdogs, baked beans, salads, rolls, drinks and desserts. More than $2,400 was raised for Hussey, who lost his home and belongings in a Dec. 21 fire.