Mr. and Mrs. William T. Dwyer of Houlton are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Caitlin Elizabeth to Mr. Trafton Mitchell Cain of Bucksport. Mr. Cain is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Russell of Bucksport and Mr. and Mrs. Terry Cain of Hampden.
Miss Dwyer is a 2004 graduate of Houlton High School and attended the University of Maine. She is currently employed at Penobscot Veterinary Services in Bangor as a veterinary tech.
Mr. Cain is a graduate of Bucksport High School and is a certified Mercedes-Benz technician for Quirk Auto of Bangor.
Miss Dwyer is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Roger Hand of Houlton and Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Dwyer of New Limerick.
An October 10 wedding will be held in Hermon.