You’re invited to Augusta

15 years ago

To the editor:
    For the second year in a row, the Maine State Chamber will be sponsoring “Business Day” at the Legislature from 8 a.m.-noon on Tuesday, March 16th in Augusta. Since it would seem there are so many issues which may significantly impact doing business in Maine, the Chamber is pushing hard to encourage any and all business men and women to lend a voice, and their time to this program. Communicating the business communities concerns at the Statehouse, by the businesses themselves should help our representatives to better address concerns.     The Maine State Chamber felt last year’s session was very successful and are hoping for a greater presence this year. One last plug, the Maine State Chamber is an incredibly effective advocacy group, with close connections to our legislators. On their Web site they have a fairly comprehensive “how to” under “Grassroots Action Network” which outlines step by step the legislative process, and how one may most effectively lend their voices to particular issues. “Capwiz” and “Maine Votes for Business” are easy online action tools which can link you directly to the legislators, and identify major programs or initiatives which may impact your business.
    If you would like to attend, or know other small business men or women who may, please do pass this date along, and contact your local chamber of commerce for further details, and to sign up to attend. Thank you for your consideration and support.

Wendy Landes, executive director
Caribou Chamber of Commerce & Industry