SAD 29 to host several musical events

15 years ago

    The SAD 29 Music Department will be hosting the following events in the Houlton High School Auditorium. On Thursday, March 18, is the District 7 Vocal Jazz Festival, featuring groups from around the County performing as part of a qualifying event to make it to the state vocal jazz festival. 
    The following times are performance times for each group. The public is invited and tickets may be purchased at the door and admission is $3 adults / $2 students / $10 family.
    District Vocal Jazz, Thursday, March 18:    Houlton Junior High Show Choir, 4 p.m.; Union 122 Show Choir, 4:25 p.m.; Caribou Middle School Show Choir, 4:50 p.m.; Caribou Jazz Choir, 6 p.m.; Easton Jazz Choir, 6:25 p.m.; Presque Isle Show Choir, 6:50 p.m.; Caribou Show Choir, 7:15 p.m. and Houlton High School Show Choir, 7:40 p.m.
    The state vocal jazz festival will be held on April 10 at Houlton High School. SAD 29 music department will also be putting on the Houlton Junior High School Musical on Thursday March 25 at 7 p.m.  Tickets are $3 and may be purchased at the door.
    This junior high musical is titled “Doo Wop Wed Widing Hood” and is a zany, fun filled,  50s-style rendition of a classic tale.  The junior high students have  been working hard under the direction of Rebecca DeWan and will be  performing this show for the public that evening, and also for students in grades 3-6 on Wednesday March 24 at a special morning assembly.  
    For more information about either event, contact or or