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AT THE GAME —Students from Mill Pond School in Hodgdon were treated Feb. 23 to a trip to Boston for a Boston Celtics game. Dunkin’ Donuts hosted children from Mill Pond’s AfterSchool program at the Celtics’ game against the New York Knicks. The children received tickets in the Dunkin’ Donuts “KidZone” located at the TD Garden. Standing on the court include Lexi Bartlett (Orient), Noah Nash (Houlton), Brandon Wallace (Linneus), Valerie Estabrook (Hodgdon), Brandon Smith (Cary), Shelbey Sanders (Linneus), Morgan Bolling (Orient) and Luke Wiegand (Ludlow); and back, Dawn Bossie (Houlton), Mikayla Wiley (Hodgdon), Austin Albert (Linneus), Bev Ivey (Hodgdon), Nancy Ellis (Houlton), Jason Ellis (Houlton), Brandon Tucker (Linneus), Fawner Thomas (Houlton), Karen Sattler (Linneus), Hal Britton (Houlton), Alyssa Carmichael (Houlton), Rob Goulet (Merill), Mike Brombosz (Linneus), Josh Ganzel (Linneus) and Tabetha Ganzel (Linneus).