How the Rainbow Got Colors

15 years ago

By  J’lynn Goldston
Grade 5, Mrs. Swallow
Mill Pond School
    A very long time ago, in a meadow full of white daisies, there was a colorful daisy that stood out, right in the middle of the field.  Everyone loved the beautiful daisy.  No one ever picked it. No one ever watered it too much. The clouds, animals, and butterflies all loved the beautiful flower. Image
     Every petal on the daisy had an effect on you when you touched it. The red petal made you able to fly to wherever your heart desired.  The yellow petal made you want to learn more. The orange petal granted you any wish in the world.  The green, of course, made you very lucky. Blue helped you be a better person. And last of all, purple helped you make a friend. So the flower was very beautiful and helpful to the animals and butterflies that needed it. If it died, the whole world would cry! Every cloud, animal, and butterfly knew that that day would someday come.
     And it did…the day that Annabelle, a girl who lived nearby the forest, watered the daisy too much. The clouds saw this and banished her from the forest forever! Then everyone cried, and cried, and cried.  After about 5 days, the crying was so bad that it was like a storm had hit. Finally it was over. Then something wonderful happened.
     Red! Orange! Yellow! Green! Blue! Purple! Six flashes appeared in the sky. They were the same colors as the petals on the daisy.
     “Wow!” said everyone in the forest. It was from the beautiful daisy!
     So the next time there was a bad storm, the colors appeared in the sky afterwards, too. And so the story has been told. And when the storms stop, they know that the daisy is still with them.