No excuse for elder abuse

15 years ago

To the editor:
 Far too many older Mainers are suffering in silence. Their malady is one we rarely even think about — Elder Abuse. That is the reason that June 15 has been designated as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, as a time to recognize the fact of a situation which makes life miserable for an estimated 14,000 older Mainers.     Even in the relatively safe area of northern Maine, older persons are being taken advantage of and abused financially, psychologically, physically, and even sexually. The abuser is most often a family member or caregiver – perhaps the last person one would expect to be exploiting a senior.
    Sadly, 85 percent of cases in Maine go unreported. The victim is often too embarrassed and ashamed to reveal the abuse and reluctant especially to bring charges against a family member. We have the opportunity to be watchful, concerned, and help change this statistic.
    And I am aware that the best thing we can do to prevent abuse is to encourage older persons not to become isolated, to stay in touch with friends and neighbors, and not to let pride or embarrassment prevent telling someone about abuse before it worsens. It will not get better without intervention.
    I ask anyone who even suspects that someone is being subjected to abuse to make a call. Report suspected abuse confidentially at 1-800-624-8404 or call your local law enforcement agency. There is no excuse for elder abuse.

Steve Farnham,
executive director
Aroostook Agency on Aging