Island Falls News

15 years ago

The Island Falls senior citizens met on August 19, for a potluck luncheon at the municipal building.
After the Lord’s Prayer and flag salute, the meeting was called to order by the president, Terry Dwyer. Secretary’s report was read and accepted.
Treasurer’s report was read and accepted. Tom and Heidi Clark furnished the entertainment. This was enjoyed by all.
The quilt raffle netted $200.00. The funds will go to RSVP.
Cards were signed and sent to: Helen Sherman and Henry Joy.
Next meeting will be Sept. 2. The “game” will be played.
Those attending were: Mary Lawler, Verna MacArthur, Ursula Levesque, Gini Fergusen, Gladys Fergusen, Marjorie Nicholson, Ellie Peck, Shirley and Jim D’Angelo, Edward Dwyer, Theodore Sherman, Roberta Johnson, Gladys Corneil, Terry Dwyer, Mary Pipes, Edith Dwyer, and Tom and Heidi Clark.
The members of the Senior Citizens Club of Sherman turned out “royally” on August 18 to fraternize with Mary Dickinson, who was the guest of honor for the day. Thanks to her son, Jimmy Ingalls and wife Mary, for driving from Lincoln for her to visit with us. Mary is a resident of the apartments for the elderly. Having been a regular of our club for several years, it was a happy reunion for all and Jimmy promised to bring her again in the not too far future. Wouldn’t the fall colored foliage time make for a beautiful time?
The lunch was special as Annie prepared ham and fall veggies and the desserts were scrumptious, prepared by the members. Present were Annie and Fred Atkinson, Fred and Sylvia Lilley, Jimmy and Mary Ingalls, Margorie Hall, Joan O’Roak, Bonita Staples, Donna Grass, Eva Perry, Ursula Levesque, Mary Dickinson, Gini Garrett, RSVP representative, Esther Greenier, Linniea Perry, Loretta Cannon and Stella Lane.
Our next meeting is Sept. 1 at 11 a.m. at the Sherman gym.