The Houlton Rifle and Pistol Club will hold its semi-annual potluck supper on Sunday, Nov. 14.
At this time, members will be offered the opportunity to register for the Winter Shoot, which begins on Sunday, Nov. 14. The Indoor Bullseye shooting consists of the following events: Slow, timed and rapid fire matches employing a 22 semi-automatic pistol at 50 feet; center fire matches using either a center fire revolver or semi-automatic pistol against a slow Fire Target; rim fire matches using either a 22 LR revolver or semi-automatic pistol against a Slow Fire Target at 50 feet; and 22 rim fire rifle matches using a Slow Fire Target.
For 16 weeks, 10 for the center fire revolver or semi-automatic pistol matches, participants will demonstrate their skills in friendly, safe competition with other club individuals. The Winter Shoot culminates with the spring potluck supper and the awarding of prizes.