Local requests for help rising

14 years ago

Salvation Army seeing increased need for aid
By Elna Seabrooks
Staff Writer

    HOULTON —The Houlton corps of the Salvation Army starts taking applications for Christmas baskets today, but the need for basics like fuel and rent assistance have already been streaming in from families struggling against a difficult economy. “People come to us for with whatever it is that they’ve decided they cannot afford,” explained Major Steve Pearl. “My wife was so busy this morning, she can’t keep up with the needs.”
    His wife, Major Irma Pearl, said she expects an increase in requests for Christmas baskets. “Already I am inundated with people asking for other types of services such as fuel assistance. They come to us because ACAP assistance hasn’t gone into effect.”
    Major Steve said since the beginning of the recession, client requests for help remain unabated. “Families are just having a hard time making ends meet. A couple of years ago when gas prices went up significantly, there was a big push for oil assistance. Then, came the recession. There is always something when people can’t afford everything. There is certainly a significant increase in new clients who have never been to us for assistance and previously had been OK.”
    The annual Christmas assistance program provides baskets with toys for the children and essentials for a turkey dinner. “I ask the parent for three items the child would like and if I can’t get them all, I try to get at least one of those items,” explained Major Irma.
    Anyone who wants to support the Salvation Army Christmas Assistance Program will find an Angel Tree at Walmart, Marden’s and other locations to be announced. Major Steve added that donations are welcomed and he still needs volunteers for the kettle drive.
    Applicants for the Christmas baskets must bring identification for each member of the household along with proof of income, expenses and child custody by Monday, Dec. 14 to the office at 12 Court St. Applications for rent and fuel assistance are taken Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 a.m.-noon. and 1-3 p.m. For more information, call: 532-2322.