By Barbara Scott
Staff Writer
In keeping with the 1970s era, it was all peace, love, smiley faces, flower-power, tie-dyed attire, head-bands and laughter as the Caribou Lioness Club hosted its annual Ladies Night Out in the Tikki Lounge at the Jade Palace Restaurant, on Feb. 10.
Aroostook Republican photo/Barb Scott
“We Are Family.” It was a true family affair at the recent Ladies Night Out event as these ladies were not only celebrating the sisterhood of women but Vesta Moir’s 85th birthday as well. From left are: Casey Plourde, granddaughter of the birthday lady; Moir, who was attending her first Ladies Night Out event in celebration of her special day; and Moir’s daughters, Rita Greenier and Rilda Bourgoin.
The annual fundraiser for the local Lioness Club, a popular well attended event, provides an evening for “just the ladies” who enjoy dinner, a multitude of prizes, music and some unusual games.
With music of the 1970s playing in the background, Lioness President Angel Cyr welcomed the estimated 50-plus guests encouraging everyone to relax and enjoy an evening of sisterhood and laughter.
One of the features of the evening is the crowning of “Miss Sexy Lips” and claiming the title and tiara for 2011 was Laura Adams. As winner of this treasured moniker, Adams also received a free ticket to next year’s event.
Aroostook Republican photo/Barb Scott
Although there were no men allowed at the recent Caribou Lioness’ Ladies Night Out, it is difficult to argue the legality of such things with a “judge.” During the Feb. 10 evening, members of the Caribou Kiwanis Club’s Keystone Kops made their way into the sanctioned ladies-only event. As a result, several of the Lioness members and their guests found themselves pleading their case before a very tough judge.
Throughout the evening Lioness members announced the winners of the various drawings, with nearly all guests leaving with a gift, most donated by area businesses. The grand door prize winner was drawn early in the program and Vesta Moir (who just happened to be celebrating her 85th birthday) claimed the dragonfly diamond necklace which was purchased by the Lioness Club at Kay Jewelers.
In addition to the tables filled with other prizes, chances on the famous “Love Basket” were sold during the evening. The “Love Basket,” valued at more than $820, contained gifts, all donated by local businesses. This year, due to the generosity of local merchants a second smaller basket filled with beauty products was given away as a second drawing.
Merchandise in the annual Love Basket included: a one-night stay at the Crown Park Inn; dinner for two at the Jade Palace; lingerie and a number of Avon products courtesy of Leslie Pelletier; a $500 gift packet from Macy’s containing perfumes for both men and women; Noyes’ Flower & Plant Shop donated the large basket and also a red rose, white carnation and a balloon; Sleepers’ added champagne, cheese, crackers, chocolate mints and grapes to the Love Basket; and napkins and napkins rings plus champagne glasses were provided by Lioness members.
Proceeds from the annual event benefit the Caribou Lioness Scholarship Fund.
Aroostook Republican photo/Barb Scott
Dr. Ann Lin, moon-lighting as a Keystone Kop, led the way for the”judge” and other Kops, as they intruded upon the Ladies Night Out, sponsored by the Caribou Lioness Club. The special “Kops” made some very special and unexpected arrests during the brief time they held court at the event.
Aroostook Republican photo/Barb Scott
Angel Cyr, Caribou Lioness Club president, welcomed guests at the onset of the club’s annual Ladies Night Out event held Feb. 10 at the Jade Palace Restaurant.
Aroostook Republican photo/Barb Scott
Jessica Wilson plants a smack on the Miss Sexy Lips Board, vying for the much-sought-after title.
Aroostook Republican photo/Barb Scott
Laura Adams captured the title of Miss Sexy Lips 2011 during the recent annual Ladies Night Out event sponsored by the Caribou Lioness Club. As winner of this treasured moniker, Adams also received a free ticket to next year’s event.
Aroostook Republican photo/Barb Scott
The atmosphere was pure peace, love and laughter during the recent Ladies Night Out, sponsored by the Caribou Lioness Club. Getting down with the groovy vibe were, from left, Kim Mayne, Yvonne Theriault and Denise Laforge.
Aroostook Republican photo/Barb Scott
Henriette Lagasse stands before the coveted “Love Basket” which contained more than $820 in merchandise, which was raffled off during the annual Ladies Night Out, sponsored by the Caribou Lioness Club. Lagasse has been responsible for obtaining items for the featured drawing for the past 15 years.