Tri-communities talk trash, recycling in Mapleton

14 years ago

Tri-communities talk trash, recycling in Mapleton


by Jennifer Buzza

If you have been concerned about the new Pay As You Throw program that is scheduled to begin in March, hopefully you took the time to attend the informational meeting that was held last week. Nearly 150 residents of the tri-community listened to our town manager, Martin Puckett, and Presque Isle’s city manager, Jim Bennett, explain the details of this new recycling program.

LO-MAPLETON-DC3X-SH-07Photo courtesy of Jennifer Buzza
MARTIN PUCKETT, town manager of Mapleton, Chapman, and Castle Hill, addressed nearly 150 residents at a public informational meeting last week. The tri-community is considering the pay as you throw (PAYT) trash disposal program.

Handouts that were available at the meeting stated, in part, “Our communities entered into an agreement with the city of Presque Isle to share in their use and costs associated with the landfill and other solid waste facilities. In 2008, that contractual relationship was renewed with Presque Isle along with a desire to secure long-term disposal at the landfill. In order to accomplish this, an expansion of the landfill was necessary. Prior to the expansion, each of the communities involved was given the option of participating or seeking other alternatives.”
The handout further explained that, “The landfill expansion and other system updates that were done over the last four years cost $6,310,000. The funds to pay for the expansion came from a loan the City of Presque Isle borrowed.” The first debt service payment of $376,000 must be paid this year and is shared equally by all of the communities, including Washburn, Wade, Perham, Mapleton, Chapman, Castle Hill, Presque Isle, and the Unorganized Township of Squapan Lake. The amount for each community will be based on the total tonnage delivered in 2010. Since our community, along with the others, signed an agreement, we are legally responsible for our share of the payment.
According to the figures presented at the meeting, the actual cost in 2010 for every ton delivered was $54.45. The tipping fee charged was $30. The $24.45 per ton difference between the two was the amount of money the individual towns paid out of property taxes as a subsidy. In 2010, that subsidy was $50,668 for Mapleton, $7,687 for Castle Hill and $13,563 for Chapman.
The new debt service from the landfill expansion increases the actual cost per ton to $99.32 in 2011, ultimately leaving the community to have to pay nearly double, a total of $88,757 for Mapleton, $13,655 for Castle Hill and $21,424 for Chapman.
Now that the city of Presque Isle has voted to increase the cost of tipping to $90 per ton and implementing the pay as you throw (PAYT) program, they reduced the amount of their property taxes that are necessary to subsidize the cost of the trash.
Mr. Puckett reviewed our communities’ options: 1) Raise property taxes in addition to the haulers charging more for curbside service, 2) The towns could provide a partial subsidy through property taxes, and option 3) PAYT. Mr. Puckett stated by adopting the pay as you throw program, “recycling will reduce costs” and hoped that “more people will use the curbside pickup.” By selecting the PAYT program, our towns’ solid waste payments due in 2011 from property taxes will be reduced by 48 percent, which also ends up being less than what was paid in 2010. If the PAYT program is accepted, the three towns will share the revenues from the recycling.
Mr. Puckett, along with the boards of selectmen, believes “this is the fairest, most equitable method to handle solid waste and reduce the property tax subsidy. Not only will this provide an efficient way to pick up garbage and recyclables by roadside, it will increase recycling and raise awareness about what we throw away.”
A mailing will be sent out this month that will “raise awareness” of the PAYT program. That information will include a flyer outlining the basics of recycling, a question and answer sheet about the PAYT program, and one blue recycling bag and one orange trash bag. The blue bags will be available at no charge to the public and can be picked up at various locations including the Town Office, Recycling Center (at 655 Missile Street), Gil’s Sanitation, Star City Sanitation and the Presque Isle Rec Center. The orange bags will be sold in packages of five for $1.45 per small (10-pound) bag and $3.05 per large (30-pound) bag and will also be available at the Town Office and other retail stores yet to be determined.
The recycling dumpster in the parking lot between the Fire Station and the Town Office will still be available to accept materials. The public is asked to bag their recyclables prior to dumping them into the dumpster. Currently, tin cans, #1 and #2 plastics are collected free of charge at this location. When bagging your recyclables, note that tin cans and plastics can be placed in the same blue bag, while cardboard, magazines, newspapers and other paper items must be placed in a separate bag. Glass is not currently accepted, but may be in the future. Free curbside pick up will begin March 7. Castle Hill’s and Chapman’s pick up days will be on Mondays and Mapleton’s curbside will be picked up on Fridays. Please have your orange and blue bags in the recommended closed containers by 7 a.m. If you choose not to participate in the PAYT program, keep in mind that the Transfer Station will close March 5. After that, all trash must be taken to the landfill at your own expense, which will be outlined in the mailing being sent out later this month.
The three towns will vote to accept the new budget for 2011 at upcoming meetings in March. Mapleton residents will vote for elected officials Monday, March 21. Polls open at noon at the fire department. The town meeting will be held that evening at 8 p.m., with the voting for the budget to be held at that time. Castle Hill residents will vote for elected officials starting at 3 p.m. Tuesday, March 22 at the Grange Hall. Their town meeting and voting on the budget will be that evening at 7:30 p.m. Chapman residents will have their town meeting Monday, March 28 at 7 p.m. at the Chapman Ridge Runners Snowmobile Club with voting to take place during the meeting.
For more information, please contact the Town Office at 764-3754.

Photos courtesy of Jennifer Buzza

LO-MAPLETON-DC1X-SH-07 MAPLETON SCOUT PACK 170 held its annual Pinewood Derby Feb. 5 at the Lions Hall. Participating in the derby were, from left, front row: Austin Pictou, Clint Goheen, Mark Curtis, Dylan Jordan, Jeffrey York, Mike Perkins, Holden Stoutamyer and Tyler Farnham. Back row: RJ Gross, Ben Cummings, Dustin Alward, Paul Tardie, Liam Woodworth, Isaac Adams, Patrick Tardie, Shane Baker and Cole Mints.


THE TOP FOUR RACERS at Mapleton’s Scout Pack 170 Pinewood Derby race were, from left: Austin Pictou, fourth place; Shane Baker, third place; Holden Stoutamyer, second place; and Liam Woodworth, first place. These boys will represent Mapleton Pack 170 at the Northstar District Pinewood Derby at the Aroostook Centre Mall March 12. Pack 170 would like to say “thank you” for all those who contributed to the Pinewood Derby this year. The Mapleton Lions Club, as well as area businesses, contributed food and materials to allow for a concessions stand which was a huge success.


Birthday wishes this week go out to Karen Hilt, Damian Argraves, Judy Brown, Charles Currier III, Bill Landry, Susan Black, Kristina Putnam, Rossalyn Buck, Lori McQuade, Josh Easler, Mikayla Michaud, Melissa Maurais, and Ann Garland.


Happy anniversary this week to Bob and Karen Hilt on the 17th.

Planet Head Day

The University of Maine at Presque Isle, along with local volunteer organization Caring Area Neighbors for Cancer Education and Recovery (C.A.N.C.E.R.), are hosting the fifth annual “Planet Head Day.” Several members of the surrounding communities have already pledged to have their heads shaved and painted like a planet to raise money for the C.A.N.C.E.R. organization. This group provides support to families and individuals dealing with cancer.
In case the C.A.N.C.E.R. organization is unfamiliar to anyone, some of their projects include making prescriptions available to those who cannot afford them, taking home-cooked meals to cancer patients and their families, and offering a travel fund to offset the cost of making numerous trips for treatment. They also assemble clinic bags and deliver them to cancer patients once a month, which includes a loaf of homemade bread.
The public is invited to attend Planet Head Day, which will be Saturday, Feb. 19 at UMPI’s Gentile Hall from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. One volunteer planning to have his head shaved is recently retired Presque Isle fireman, Fred Parsons.
For more information, please contact Kevin McCartney at 768-9482. Donations will be collected during the event or pledges can be made for those planning to have their heads shaved in honor of a cancer survivor or in memory of a loved one that battled cancer. All donations will support the C.A.N.C.E.R. organization and their projects.
Jennifer Buzza is the correspondent for Mapleton, Castle Hill and Chapman. She can be reached at 760-9115, or by e-mail at