Apogee Adventures, in cooperation with the Maine Winter Sports Center’s Healthy Hometowns Program, is offering a tuition free adventure program to the winner of an essay contest. The program is Apogee’s popular Downeast Explorer trip running June 27 to July 11, which will take students on a 15-day tour of Maine during which they will sea kayak and do community service in the Isle au Haut Bay, explore Acadia National Park, and backpack in Baxter State Park.
The contest is open to students aged 14-16 in June, 2011. Students must submit a two-page essay on the following topic: Tell us how you would increase or improve the outdoor recreational opportunities in your community.
The essay, along with two non-family recommendations on the students’ behalf and student contact information must be received by April 9. Mail completed entries to: Apogee’s Summer Adventure Essay Contest, c/o Michael Lessard, 552 Main Street, Caribou, Maine 04736. For further information and conditions, contact Lessard at mlessard@mainewsc.org.
Information on Downeast Explorer and other great Apogee Trips can be found at: www.apogeeadventures.com. and more information on Maine Winter Sports Center’s Healthy Hometowns programs can be found at www.mainewsc.org.