The cold nights and warm days of early spring bring the sap run that produces Maine’s sweetest resource—maple syrup.
The state’s maple producers are gearing up for Maine Maple Sunday—observed this year on March 27. Join in as maple producers around the state celebrate Maine Maple Sunday and open the doors of their sugarhouses for the public to join them in this rite of spring. Here’s a chance to see firsthand how 40 gallons of maple sap are turned into just one gallon of golden delight you pour over hot pancakes…or ice cream.
Most sugarhouses offer tastings and live demonstrations of how syrup is produced, from tap to table. Many offer a variety of other treats and activities, including syrup on pancakes or ice cream, sugarbush tours, sleigh or wagon rides, and lots more. Many sugarhouses will arrange special tours and demonstrations for groups on other days as well—call them to make arrangements. This is an excellent opportunity to plan a family outing by visiting Maine sugarhouses.
Maple syrup is the best substitute for sugar. When you want to satisfy your sweet tooth, don’t forget to consider using maple syrup which contains fewer calories and a higher concentration of minerals. A few quick serving ideas include: using maple syrup in place of table sugar as a sweetener—it gives tea and coffee a unique taste; pouring maple syrup on oatmeal topped with walnuts and raisins; adding maple syrup and cinnamon to puréed cooked sweet potatoes; combining maple syrup with orange juice and tamari and using it as a marinade for baked tofu or tempeh; and spreading peanut butter on a piece of whole wheat toast, topping it with sliced bananas, and then drizzling maple syrup on top, for a sweet, gooey treat. Maple syrup is also an excellent source of the trace mineral manganese and a good source of zinc.
Enjoy the first sweet taste of spring in Maine. Maine Maple Sunday is always the 4th Sunday in March. A complete listing of sugarhouses in Maine that participate in Maine Maple Sunday is available at
For more information about Maine Maple Sunday, contact the Maine Department of Agriculture, 28 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333, telephone 207-287-3871.