From the Bunkers: Alumni event brings back memories

Dewey DeWitt, Special to the Pioneer Times, Special to The County
14 years ago

Memories, memories, dreams of days gone by — nostalgia is always in the air when high school reunions are held.
The annual Houlton High School Alumni Reunion was last weekend, as the Houlton Community Golf Course hosted a social and golf event.
    Friday evening’s social was well attended as alumni looked at high school friends and said to themselves how old they looked until they looked in a mirror and realized how even they do age.
Nancy Ketch whose wonderful memory made her the only one who seemed to know everyone. She does a great job as the alumni historian.
There were too many names to list here, but I enjoyed hearing the discussion of the best athletic teams and the best athlete in Houlton’s illustrious history.
The results of the scramble will be listed next week.
Marty Bouchard and Mike Fogarty lead the standings in the Men’s Twilight League with 18 points, followed by Tony Marino and Andy Peabody and a five-way tie for third, Fleming and Henderson, Marciniak and Mersereau, Madore and Skehan, Belyea and Kelley and York and Gray.
Ladies League Twilight on June 28 played the game Alpha and Omega  (you got me. I don’t know what the game was unless it was played in Greece). Any how, here are the results: Division A, first, Harriet Gray; second, Sarah Howland; Division B, first, Brittany Benn and second, Cathy Belyea; Division C, first, Jenn Carr and second, Marianne Marciniak and Division D, first, Ethel Mersereau and second, Kerry Putnam.
I must report after all we talk about safety on the golf course that my playing partner hit me with a wayward shot. Darrell McGuire nailed me in the one spot where little damage could be done — that spot was, of course, in the head — not too much damage as we finished the round only because I was $2 ahead and would have had to forfeit without finishing the round.
Which reminds me of a story. Jack Benny, a notoriously miserly man, was being held up by a masked gunman who said, “Your money or your life,” Benny replied, “Let me think about it.”