Shocked at the garbage

13 years ago

Dear Pioneer Times,
    While on our walk for English, we found shocking amounts of trash that elucidates the desperation for people like us to remedy that issue. Respecting the environment isn’t as awful as it’s made out to be. Just our class came back from our walk with five overflowing bags! We aren’t hippies, we are people who care. There isn’t any reason why you couldn’t help, either by not polluting the areas or by picking the trash up.
    As citizens of this town it is our duty to be respectful of our environment and neighborhood by cleaning it up every once in a while. You don’t have to go on a walk every day and pick up every single piece of trash you see, but simply go once. If everyone went on one walk to collect trash, imagine how much cleaner our community would be. We should encourage others and take pride in our town by keeping out town free of waste. It isn’t like it’s a task that is exasperating; it’s immensely menial.
    There is more garbage out there than you think. During our walk we scoured the woods and found myriad pieces of trash. Combining every single class’s findings, we collected 25 full bags of garbage. Some groups had to retreat early because their bags were so full. Every single person throwing one more bottle out the window or, just one more plastic bag, adds up!
    Picking up waste doesn’t make you a hippy, it makes you someone who shows their pride and care for their town. Don’t be worried about being considered a hippy, because helping out gives you gratification. All we are doing is trying to keep the area clean where we live and maybe even someday our grandkids will live. Lastly, we shouldn’t be ashamed of showing interest in cleaning up our town.
    Help us in making our neighborhoods a better place. It doesn’t take that much. There is so much garbage, but once people realize that each of us helping out adds up too, the amount of trash will lessen greatly. Spiffing up our town doesn’t make you a hippy, it makes you someone who cares. Come on, why not help?
    Thank you for your time.
Natalie Hill
Grade 8
Houlton Junior High School