A mother’s love goes trans-Atlantic
with trip to Denmark
By Kathy McCarty
Staff Writer
A mother’s love knows no bounds, so when a child decides to pursue interests in far-off places, the best thing to do is make sure to get a phone number and Internet connections to keep in touch — as well as a physical address, should one decide to pay them a visit.
STUDYING ABROAD — Bryan Boyce invited his parents, Leslie and Larry Boyce, to vacation in Denmark, where he has been studying abroad this semester. Pictured from left are Leslie and Bryan Boyce.
Such was the case for former Presque Isle resident Leslie (Stimpson) Boyce, who now resides with her family in Sidney.
When her son, Bryan Boyce, decided to pursue his studies overseas, Boyce gave her blessing but worried, as any mother would, about his wellbeing. Boyce, a teacher, decided spring break would be a good time for she and her husband, Larry, to visit their son in Denmark. She said the vacation was even more pleasant because she got to catch up with their son, who served as his parents’ tour guide.
“It seems that as our children start to grow up and live more independently, time that we are able to spend with them becomes less frequent and more precious. I recently got to spend a week in Denmark with my son, Bryan, who is studying abroad this semester,” said Boyce, a 1980 graduate of Presque Isle High School.
Boyce said modern technology helps her stay in touch on a regular basis, but seeing her son in person was far better.
“Of course, we had kept up the long-distance communication by reading his blog and Skyping, but nothing could compare to actually being there, experiencing a completely different way of life and becoming immersed in a brand new culture, with him as our tour guide,” said Boyce.
As the saying goes, time flies when you’re having fun and all too soon Boyce and her husband had to return to Maine.
“As you might expect, the week went by much too quickly. But we were able to enjoy many things, including bike riding — a very popular means of transportation there — touring Copenhagen and several of its museums and dressing like Vikings,” she said.
The Boyces spent many fun hours together making memories that will last a lifetime.
“It was a week in my life that I will never forget and will certainly always treasure,” said Boyce.