Just do it already!
Fiber Arts
by Sylvia Buob
Do you want to learn to quilt or sew, knit, cook, paint, ballroom dance, woodwork, but are waiting for retirement when you have more time? Don’t! Don’t put off the fun that you could be having right now! Why wait, by the time you retire, you may not remember what it was you wanted to do.
So many people come into the shop and say, “I’m storing up stuff, saving it for when I have more time.” I hear this all the time. You will never have more time. You will have the same 24 hours that you have now. We think we will have more time because we are no longer working, involved in kid’s activities, etc, etc. This is rarely the case.
In today’s society we constantly have something that we need or want to be involved in. There are family activities, church activities, school activities, civic activities, work activities. Don’t kid yourself that when your kids are gone it will all be over; it won’t! You will then move into the realm of college parent, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandma or grandpa. The list is never-ending.
So now is the time to dive in and do something fun and functional. We usually can find a small window of time for things that we really want to do. Maybe we will have to give up something else that we are doing right now; but it is worth it. Finding time to do something that you have “always” wanted to do is very gratifying; not to mention what you may now be getting out of the deal – a new quilt, a dress, a table or learning a new skill. All of these will add to your sense of well being and accomplishment and you will become everyone’s best friend!
Plus if you run out of people to give your projects to there are always organizations like Project Linus, Warm Up America, and Cancer Care Clinics who would love the donation.
So let’s get out there and sew, knit, craft, dance, whatever, just DO IT!
Sylvia S. Buob of Presque Isle is owner of Garden Gate Fabrics.