To the editor:
I write this letter to the American people; how long is it going to take for them to realize the country is deteriorating at a rapid pace and the standard of living we have enjoyed since the end of World War II is disappearing?
Is America beyond reform and repair? Today it is overrun with dishonest politicians, hypocritical religious leaders, hardened criminals and people who have no respect for our man-made laws or the laws of God.
How long has it been since the people have asked the leaders of their communities, towns, cities and federal government to explain why and what they are spending their tax dollars for?
Martin Luther King made the following statement, “our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
Our forefathers gave us the Constitution with rules and laws to live by and God gave us the holy bible with its rules and laws to live by. America, why have we failed to follow them?
I am convinced that the reason our country is where it is today is because we have not followed these law and have kept silent over the years and not raised our voices about things that matter.
Can you remember a time when your eyes saw and your ears heard but you didn’t understand why our leaders were doing what they were doing but never took the time to ask them why?
In a few months it will be election time and the year 2012 will be a significant year in the future of America. We will be voting for new leaders to lead our communities, towns, cities and federal government. I believe it is time each voter should start asking questions and demanding answers before deciding who these leaders should be.
The center of attention of our forefathers was America, one nation under God with liberty and justice for all and a firm faith God would lead them in making the right decisions. I think it is time for the country to return to the national motto of America, “In God We Trust” instead of putting our trust in man.
Howard Worthington, MSgt. USAF retired, Mapleton
Democrats have had chance to make Maine better
To the editor:
Representative John Martin wrote in your July 4 newspaper his view of the world of politics and explained how everything bad is Republican and everything good is Democratic. Haven’t we heard it all before?
John Martin and his Democratic Party had controlled our State Legislature for almost 40 years prior to the 2010 election. Let’s look at what they did for Maine.
Maine became a welfare state, a place people actually move to for the purpose of gaining access to our generous programs. (The Democrat solution — tax our working class to continue expanding our welfare programs.)
Maine people today are among the highest taxed in the nation. (Almost 40 years of Democratic Party complete control and our working people continue to pay more than elsewhere.)
Maine’s business/job climate is considered one of the worst in the country. (Another example of how great the Democratic reign was for Maine workers.)
Mr. Martin, to his credit, has had success during his 45-plus years of politics by blaming the evil Republicans and claiming he and the Democrats, were for the people. I’m not sure that many would believe him today!
Most would argue that the Democrat Party that John Martin joined, has long ago disappeared and the modern Democratic Party is the party of southern Maine and Portland. Extremely liberal, pro government, pro gay marriage, and anti small business. Most recent polls show that blue-collar working people all across the nation, recognize the fact that the Democrats have abandoned the working class.
Mr. Martin in his letter suggests that he and his party will make things all better if we just give them a chance. Didn’t we do that for almost 40 years? Are we better off with Mr. Obama and Mr. Martin?
Representative John Martin has become a wealthy man after his 45-plus years of service in the Legislature. Unfortunately, the citizens of rural Maine and the St. John Valley haven’t done as well.
Charles Webster, chair, Maine Republican Pary
Adams can make it happen
To the editor:
These past two years have been a trying time for the northern Maine community as well as the state in general. Any efforts made by the legislators have not been able to stimulate northern Maine’s economy, the governor has spent his first two years slashing health care and education programs, and our county has even faced an increase in dangerous recreational drugs. Many of the politicians currently in the Statehouse would appear to be ineffective at best and untethered to the needs of the average northern Mainer.
In my four years as a pharmacy technician however, I did have the pleasure of working every day with someone who was passionate about providing excellent and trustworthy health care to everyone on a daily basis. He is someone who knows about the bureaucratic squabbling that goes on in the state Medicaid department at the citizens’ expense. He is someone who is kind and friendly, but whom is a force to be reckoned with when he puts his mind to getting something done. And I know that he has trained and campaigned in an effort to gain our trust. But as I said, in my four years of working with him he already earned mine and I urge you to give him yours as well this fall.
I have lived in northern Maine for 21 years. I am a 23-year-old who also attends the University of Maine at Presque Isle and when I’m done with school I would like to be able to stay right here in northern Maine when I graduate. Let me reiterate my points. We have a candidate running this year who will fight for affordable health care, who will fight to create jobs for our struggling economy and who will fight for our local businesses to be able to prosper. This is the man that I want to lead our district, lead our county, and lead our state. And that man who I encourage you to vote for this fall is Darrell Adams for state representative in District 6.
Tyler Menifield, Presque Isle
Levesque offers real life experience
To the editor:
It was wonderful news hearing that Dan Levesque has thrown his hat in the ring for the Maine Senate. Dan has worked under the dome before. When I served in Augusta and needed backup, it was often to Dan that I turned to for help. Often on short notice, he would make the effort to find time to drive almost 300 miles one-way to testify on the need for the issue at hand.
Route 11 had been a nightmare highway fraught with danger. It was Dan Levesque’s testimony that became the coup de grace in convincing the Appropriations Committee to commit the money to do a major rebuild of that killer highway. What a difference he made!
The people of Senate District 34 will be well served by Dan, who would bring real life business experience as a strong advocate and representative to northern Maine.
Judy Paradis, Frenchville
Levesque right for County
To the editor:
As a business owner in Aroostook County, I have had the pleasure of working with Dan Levesque on several occasions. While Dan was the owner/operator of Levesque Lumber, K-PEL Industrial Services, Inc. completed several mechanical and piping projects. In later years, North Star Tower and Communications and Aroostook Internet worked closely in expanding internet services to Aroostook County businesses and residents.
Dan conducted his business operations in a fair and professional way. His straightforward attitude and his experience in Aroostook County make him the prime candidate to fight for small business in northern Maine.
Kevin Pelletier, president, K-PEL Industrial Services, Inc., Fort Fairfield