Adult Education focuses on student progress

13 years ago

    HOULTON — For adults wanting to get a head start on planning for fall classes, Houlton Hodgdon Adult Education at the Houlton Higher Education Center is open all summer with advising and pre-registration services.
    Adult Education offers a personalized approach to adult student educational needs, but the new adult education schedule requires more pre-planning by the student. Because of Adult Education’s broad menu, it is more important than ever that students pre-plan, and are properly assessed, to ensure the quickest and most productive outcome.
    All academic track students will enter a seven-week mini-term with a personalized plan to attend classes five to 10 hours per week. GED students may complete some assignments via the Internet. The emphasis in Adult Education is on preparation for the next phase in your academic and work life.
    For example, those working toward their GED, may also be part of a College Transitions class, or if they are enrolled in a college pre-requisite class, they may simultaneously be enrolled in a college credit class – all at the Houlton Higher Education Center.
    Houlton Hodgdon Adult Education offers classes in the following categories: GED/High School completion, College Transitions and college, Career Pathways and WorkReady training, Workforce Training (including computer & Health Science programs), Personal Enrichment (including basic computer skills), and  distance education via the Internet. 
    Pre-registration sessions (about three hours long) for GED, college, and other courses are scheduled for Aug. 14-16  (mornings) and Aug. 15 in the evening. There is no charge for GED/High School completion services, and all other classes are supported by a combination of student fees, local, state, federal, and agency funding. For more information and to make an appointment, call 521-3100 x5, go to www.sad29., email or otsmith@, or Houlton Hodgdon Adult and Community Education Program on Facebook.