Bringing jobs back home

13 years ago

Bringing jobs back home

To the editor:

    I read in the paper recently that labor groups in Maine want Congress to pass the “Bring Jobs Home Act,” which would give tax breaks to companies that keep jobs here at home and stop giving tax cuts to companies that send our jobs overseas. As someone who has fought to keep jobs and businesses alive here in Aroostook County, I fully support legislation of this type.

    Here in Maine we still make shoes. We make boards, bread and beans. Our work ethic is second to none, especially in The County. We should be proud of the industries we still have and we should do everything in our power to keep those manufacturing, lumbering and farm-based jobs from being shipped overseas.

    We cannot compete with sweatshop wages in other countries. The government needs to step in and stop rewarding big companies for pulling up stakes in America and putting down stakes in Third World countries.

    If elected to be your next State Senator from District 34, I promise I will be a part of this fight. It is critical to the future of our children and our grandchildren and to the survival of our communities.

Dan Levesque
