Putting Presque Isle on the map

12 years ago

Putting Presque Isle on the map

To the editor:

    Summer vacation is over. Borrowing a few lines from a colleague’s e-mail signature, “To see a world in a grain of sand, and heaven in a wildflower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.”

My colleague has never been to Aroostook County. But this is a lot like the feelings one gets driving around The County on a bright summer day. We see a lot of blue sky and puffy clouds. It takes a special temperament to survive.

    Getting home, the first thing on the list was the Class Reunion. Thirty years and it was a modest affair. For an area that prides itself on the quality of its graduates this was a bit noticeable. After 30 years, Presque Isle High School can claim a naval commander, test pilots, pilots, lawyers, engineers, a country singer masquerading as a principal and teachers, lots of teachers. We travel the world and stay at home only to encourage our own kids to go out there and make a difference.

    Looking now at the class picture it is hard to imagine some of the characters exceeding expectations. Little is done to map where we have gone or to chronicle the footsteps, sprains, strains, and joys everyone has experienced in helping to put the image of Presque Isle on the map. The timing of the reunion was perfect since it started off Fair Week with a blast. We need a parade; from the high school to the fairgrounds.

    As I write this, I am watching the sun rise on NewYork City, waiting for the Chinese Consulate to open for business. A new school year is about to start and like any of the youngsters, it’s always hard to get ready for a new beginning. There are the clothes, supplies, books, bags, and new friends to be made.

    In chatting with the gang from that long ago ‘82, pride rose as we learned of each other’s adventures and challenges. Sad were the moments when we thought of friends who had passed. But joy came back as we reveled in the shared experience of surviving and thriving in a small piece of heaven. Presque Isle has much to be proud of and its stamp on tomorrow will continue to be felt.

    Thanks to the Class of ‘82. Now it’s time to build the Class of 2013.

Orpheus Allison

Guangzhou, China
