Reinvesting in our downtown
by Kenneth C. Arndt
Last Wednesday evening, Sept. 5th, the Presque Isle City Council voted to adopt and initiate a façade improvement program for the downtown business district.
These building façade guidelines and targeted loan efforts will hopefully stimulate building restorations and visually change the attractiveness of our Main Street commercial district. As part of the initiative to revitalize downtown, the city will be provide building owners and tenants with general information and design guidelines regarding the renovation of existing buildings within the Downtown Retail Business Zone (DRBZ) of Presque Isle, Maine.
An additional goal is to encourage private property reinvestments in our city’s downtown core district.
Typically, a downtown is a collection of individual buildings that have an impact on each other. Everyone benefits from a single building improvement within a condensed area. Buildings which are not cared for will deteriorate and they will in turn negatively influence other properties. From the city’s perspective encouragement, support and guidance extended to business and property owners will help build a revitalized downtown and make it a location worth investing in.
People enjoy conducting business in a downtown or central business district, particularly with well maintained buildings and interesting facades. Additionally, slower traffic speeds, more distinguishable pedestrian priority crosswalks, clean streets and sidewalks, all encourage window shopping. Landscaping and amenities such as benches encourage pedestrianism. The addition of human-scale, safe lighting in visually attractive downtown places promotes social activity and a night-life in the downtown. Safety and accessibility are a large part of any downtown revitalization effort.
The Presque Isle Façade Loan program should assist our downtown merchants and residents in benefiting from quality materials and craftsmanship, as they improve the appearance of their properties. Buildings built before World War II provide examples of a high standard of design and architectural detail. Uncovering old buildings can reveal hidden architectural treasures.
A Facade Loan/Grant is offered by the city of Presque Isle Downtown Façade Program to owners of commercial properties as an incentive to improve or restore the original character of their buildings. Facade Loan/Grants will match private investments to assist owners in restoring the appearance of their buildings. Facade improvement projects are to protect and preserve the authenticity of downtown Presque Isle.
Lastly, the city, along with the Presque Isle Downtown Revitalization Committee has worked diligently to create gateway signage at important downtown entranceways to entice people downtown. We hope to install those “Gateway” signs by the end of September, just ahead of the upcoming holiday seasons.
By mid-2013, all of us should notice a significant improvement to the “Heart of Our Community” as a result of these coordinated and concerted efforts to further stimulate economic development in Presque Isle.
As always, should you have any thoughts or comments that you would like to share with my office, feel free to contact me at 760-2727 or arrange an appointment.
Kenneth C. Arndt is Presque Isle’s director of planning and development. His e-mail address is