Houlton Council of Catholic Women
by Lois Downing
The Houlton Council of Catholic Women met in the parish center at St. Mary of the Visitation Church on Sunday, Jan. 6, directly following the 10:30 a.m. mass. Fourteen members were present, with our moderator the Rev. David Raymond, Deacon Al Burleigh and guest Bill Roach, husband of Bernette Roach.
President Janet Barker greeted everyone and we were offered a blessing before our meal. Copies of a quiz titled ‘’What’s Your Catholic IQ?’’, were given to members to contemplate during lunch. Fr. Dave and Janet went over the answers at the appropriate time.
After a delicious meal headed by chairman Margaret Casey, the meeting began by traditional prayers, Salute to the Cross, pledge to the flag and our hymn, ‘’O Beautiful Mother.’’ Recording secretary Jane Stile read the Dec. 7 notes; treasurer Mary Grant gave a financial statement and then corresponding secretary Lois Downing read several Christmas notes and thank you notes.
Margaret Casey, chairman of the Giving Tree, gave a report on the project. She said 100 tags were on the Giving Tree and 20 tags were left over. Hope and Justice project, Food Pantry, Stepping Stones, and Pregnancy Care Center are all involved with this.
The Christmas Fair was very successful, according to chairman Molly Bailey. Molly stated that December is the best month for the sale since there are several other fairs in November.
Much discussion was heard on the February Valentine bags. Fruit in plastic bags with a prayer card is what the HCCW will go with for our February project. Council members and some Eucharistic Ministers will deliver the bags.
St. Patrick’s Bazaar is slated for Saturday, Feb. 16 at the church hall and parish center. Any volunteers are asked to please get in touch with Fr. Dave.
On Wednesday, March 27, Mass for the Holy Oils will be held at St. Mary of the Visitation, a first for Houlton. A dinner for priests will be at 5 p.m., Mass will be at 7 a.m. followed by a reception for all parishioners. Rev. Raymond anticipates some of us will be solicited for food for the reception.
Fr. Dave mentioned he expected the local Knights of Columbus would be sponsoring another Valentine dinner for couples, similar to the one in 2012. A rummage sale date was discussed. We donated a sizable sum of money to the Salvation Army for their fuel fund and to the Milford and Kathy Clark family as there is sickness in their family, both husband and wife and have to travel extensively.
There is a supply of yarn available; Lois Downing has some; requests are made for this yarn to be used for mittens, scarves and other items for Good as New. If you are a knitter and can help with this project, please call Lois at 532-2125 and make arrangements to pick up the yarn.
Birthdays and anniversaries were recognized. Alta Reardon won the door prize. Parting words of Deacon Al were that everyone have an enjoyable winter and Fr. Dave thanked everyone for their continued support of our parish.
The next meeting will be Sunday, Feb. 3, after the 10:30 Mass. All Catholic ladies are welcome.
Happy Losers
On Jan. 9 the Happy Losers held the weekly meeting at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls. Jackie Pratt, the leader opened the meeting with the usual pledge and roll call. Eleven ladies weighed-in and nine attended.
Loretta Bouchard was the person who lost the most weight for the week and Brenda Raymond was runner-up. Great job ladies! The secretary and treasurer gave reports for the week.
The leader led the program for the week with an eight-question quiz, that had interesting answers. Everyone enjoyed them.
Please feel welcome to our group every Wednesday weigh-ins at 8 to 8:45 a.m. Meeting starts at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more information. See you there!
Purple Hat Society
by Lois Downing
Purple Hat Society met Tuesday, Jan. 8 at Brookside Inn in Smyrna. Thirteen ladies attended and one lady brought her boyfriend, George Barrow. Leader Charlotte Marley greeted everyone. We ate our meal and then the fun began.
Each lady gave her Purple Hat name, according to the name used when she first joined; the name has to begin with the first letter of her given name.
Readings were given by Lois Downing, Cindy Gray, Marie Gillotti and Charlotte Marley. Lois’ reading pertained to a story about a man calling his girlfriend on his cell phone; Charlotte’s reading was on ‘’mail watching.’’
Christmas gifts were given by Charlotte to those who were not present for the Christmas party. ‘’Bears of the Month’’ were given to Marie Gillotti and Cindy Gray. Charlotte asked if there were any New Year’s resolutions made; there were very few.
Charlotte raised the question of what the ladies did with the cookies to be distributed to those who would not ordinarily get cookies for Christmas. Some of the responses were to a friend and the others were very good too.
The next meeting will be at the SAVE (Southern Aroostook Vocational Education) building, Bird Street in Houlton. If that does not work out, we will go for the Chinese food on February 12.
Material for valentines was passed out by Charlotte at the ending of the program; a valentine is to be made with the material given for the next meeting.
If you need more information about the Purple Hat Society, please call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or any of the other ladies listed below.
Attending from Dyer Brook: Sandy Wyman and Marie Gillotti; from Merrill, Arlene Friel; from Smyrna, Cindy Gray and Charlotte Marley.
Also, from Oakfield, Mildred Gagnon, Bernice Campbell and Elaine Barrett. From Houlton, Wannetta Townsend, Paula Wyman, Marsha Reed, Betty Wyman and Lois Downing. Come, enjoy, socialize and join Purple Hat.
Ricker Rumblings
by Lois Downing
Another column this week. I wrote one two weeks ago, but it was held up, at the Pioneer Times office (due to early holiday deadlines). To my readers, I have no control over that. We were sorry to learn my neighbor, Elizabeth Britton had died. ‘’Betty’’, as she was commonly called was one of the ‘’old timers,’’ here. One of her relatives told me, her mother was the first to move into Ricker Plaza. Betty had cancer. She fought a good fight. As her brother said, ‘’No more suffering.’’ She was always up in spirit and had a great attitude. She was ill a long time. God bless, Betty.
Mike Surran dropped by the office several days ago. Mike used to work in the office here before he was employed by Greater Houlton Christian Academy.
So many sick it seems. Have you had your flu shot? The sickness is waning, I’m told but it is very serious. If you haven’t had the shot, it is not too late.
I attended a birthday party for Helen Cunliffe, at Madigan Estates last Sunday, Jan. 6. Helen turned 100, but she sure didn’t look it. She had a beautiful birthday cake with her picture on top, and several of her friends sang ‘’Happy Birthday’’ to a beautiful and lovely lady.
Sympathy goes out to Shirley Nason in the loss of her brother, Robert. Robert, I’m told, died in his sleep. What a wonderful and peaceful way to go! Shirley, we feel for your loss.
We had a good Bingo last Wednesday. Joyce Bryant and Diane Richard usually bring some snacks for us to snack on and they did again. Thanks, friends.
Another of my friends had her 92nd birthday on Tuesday, Jan. 15, Winnie Hammond. Winnie and Helen were great card players and are friends at Madigan.
January is the month for love, National Mentoring Month, National Blood Donor Month as well as National Bath Safety Month. Can you observe all these? Florence MacDonald, one of our second floor ladies, is on the sick list, at this time. ‘’Flossie,’’ we are told had a mild stroke. Don’t know if she is in the hospital at this time, or not. Whatever, we wish you the best, Flossie and get better.
About angels: ‘’The guardian angels of life sometimes fly so high as to be beyond our sight, but they are always looking down upon us.’’ (Jean Paul Richter) Have a good, safe and healthy week.
Island Falls News
Amanda Wagner, pastor at Whittier Congregational Church, has accepted a pastorate in Concord, N.H., at the West Concord Congregational Church. She came to Island Falls as a student at the seminary and graduated in May, 2012.
In December 2012, she was ordained in a ceremony held at the Whittier Congregational Church followed by a luncheon to celebrate the occasion. She will be greatly missed by all the church members, who came to know her well during her four years with them.
(Sewall) and Peter Connelly are due to arrive in Island Falls to help with the work going on with the restoration of the Red Brick garage into a restaurant. During their absence the work has progressed and I am sure they will be happy with the results. The new restaurant is opening is due for sometime in March.
I am having a great time watching the battles of the gray squirrels and the red squirrels as they chase each other from the sunflower seeds in all the feeders. Seems as though I am forever out there filling them all up. They get emptied so fast.
I am still giving them the peanut butter and lard mixture and that really attracts the woodpeckers, too, along with the nuthatches and chickadees and grosbeaks. I still have the pair of cardinals who arrive every day and they are eating from the feeders now, though I throw out the seeds on the snow for them, as they are usually ground feeders.
The spikehorn has given up coming for his bread and apples and now it is a doe who arrives every late afternoon and eats up the goodies and then goes to the bird feeder and cleans up what the birds have left. Good exercise for me running out several times a day to feed them all.
Take Off Pounds Sensibly ME 0233, Houlton
by Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 0233 of Houlton, Maine met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, Jan. 11 meeting. Diane Folsom, leader, was present and had charge of the meeting.
Nine TOPS ladies were in attendance; six were KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly). Loser of the week was Betty Wyman with Denise Clark as runner-up. The skinny dish was taken home by Aileen Smith.
Charlotte Marley read the secretary’s report in the absence of Brenda Lacostic, who is sick. A sympathy card was signed for Janette Nelson in the loss of her grandson in Connecticut. Diane explained the new contest, ‘’Postive Beginning,’’ with Barbara Whited as chairman. The contest will run six weeks.
Denise Clark passed out ribbons thanking everyone who lost a considerable amount of weight in 2012: Shirley Eithier, Kay Grass, Charlotte Marley, Diane Folsom, Mildred Gagnon, Janette Nelson, Bonnie Pratt, Barbara Whited, Joanne Scott, Brenda Lacostic, Marsha Reed, Betty Wyman, and Aileen Smith.
A silent auction was held; everyone brought in items to sell. Assisting Diane with the auction were Charlotte Marley and Margaret Hagerman.
If you need more information on the chapter, you may call Betty Ivey at 532-9653 or Charlotte Marley at 757-8483. Weigh-in is every Friday morning at 8-8:45 with the meeting starting at 9 a.m. and ending an hour later. Come, enjoy and take off weight.