Skiing opportunities abound in Ashland area

12 years ago


by Susan Feeney Hopkins

The Ashland Ski Club has been out and about enjoying the terrific ski conditions on the local ski trails. Several trails are located around Ashland and are open for all to enjoy and are free of charge.

Over three miles of trails at Ed and Marilyn Chase’s Tree Farm in Garfield (on the right before the Hacker Farm Road) are groomed for classical skiing with a set track. Linda Milligan has been grooming trails around her residence at the end of the Belleville Road and they are groomed for skate skiing, though they can be classically skied, as well. Snowshoeing and dogs are welcomed at both sets of trails.

On Wednesdays, the Ashland Recreation Department transports up to 47 elementary and middle school students to the trails for after-school skiing. Students can either rent ski equipment (prior to the season) or use their own. This year there have been more parents and grandparents out to accompany their children on the trails. What a wonderful and healthy way for families to spend time together. More are always welcomed.

Of the 47 students skiing with the group, 27 of them are on skis purchased this year by the Ashland Ski Club through two grants totally $5,000 from the Maine Community Foundation. In addition to the purchase, many of the students who are active on the middle school ski team were able to rent better quality “Fisher” brand skis through the Nordic Heritage Ski Club in Presque Isle.

The Ashland Ski Club members are very excited to help the students get on new skis and are hopeful to continue to be able to acquire better quality skis for all the students. The club is in the process of planning a fund-raiser meal some time in February (so keep an eye out for the date) and a free Family Fun Day in March. If anyone has any questions about the trails or the after-school program they can contact Milligan at 227-9135 or Amanda Barker at 435-4870.

Ongoing events

The Portage Lake ATV Club will meet every first Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Office. All are welcome to attend. Contact Rena Belanger for membership or more information at 435-2780.

The Ashland Area Senior Citizens meet the first and third Thursday at noon for a potluck luncheon at the LeBlanc Junkins VFW Post 9699 on the Portage Road with a meeting to follow. This active and growing club of senior citizens also takes trips to various restaurants throughout The County, hosts cookouts, enjoys guest speakers and entertainment such as musicians. For more information, contact Roberta Savary at 435-6422.

The Portage Lake Over 50’s Club lunch is held on the last Tuesday of every month at 11:30 a.m. at the Town Hall. All individuals 50 and over are invited to attend and can bring a potluck dish to share. For more information, contact Wilza Robertson at 435-6211 or Grace Nason at 435-6373.

The Red Hat Loonies of Portage Lake meet the second Thursday of every month at Dean’s Motor Lodge. Membership dues are $2. Come and have a great meal and a great time, too! For more information, contact Rachel Stevens at 435-6358.

Susan Feeney-Hopkins is the correspondent for Ashland, Portage Lake, Oxbow, Masardis, Garfield, Nashville Plantation and the surrounding areas. She can be reached at 227-7760 or