Ludlow tax committment remains constant

11 years ago

    LUDLOW — The mil rate will stay the same for the fourth year in a row at .0162, even though there is less funding from the state, according to Town Manager Diane Hines.

    “The selectmen had the foresight to reduce costs in specific budget items which the voters approved at the annual Town Meeting,” she said. “At the Aug. 14 selectmen’s meeting the selectmen approved the mil rate of .0162 for the 2013-2014 fiscal year.”
    Teri Duff reported that the tax bills should be sent the first of September. The selectmen also approved the formation of an ethics committee to follow the newly adopted code of ethics policy. The policy is a comprehensive document following Maine State Statutes. A form is available at the town office for application to be on the committee.
    Also adopted was a procedure for filing a complaint if a town official has violated a code of ethics, Hines said.
    In other business, the selectmen accepted the highest bid on the York Rake made by Palmer Construction. Dana Miller reported for the planning board that their new project is looking at a Wind Power Ordinance for the town.
    The Animal Control Officer’s contract was updated. The ACO has been busy trapping stray cats, Hines said.
    A notice will be posted that the office will be closed on Aug. 22 for the town manager to attend a vital records training to be held in Presque Isle and that the office will be open on Friday, Aug. 23 between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Hines said she is working on a five-year budget plan, which will accommodate repaving of the Ludlow Road and gravel road improvements.