Caribou rec news

11 years ago

Winter spring programs

    There will be a Caribou Parks and Recreation Department program registration night on Tuesday, Oct. 8 from 6-8 p.m. at the Caribou Wellness and Recreation Center.
    The department’s winter and spring program booklet is in the process of being printed, but can now be viewed on the department’s Facebook page. Once the booklet is ready, it will be made available to Caribou youths in grades Pre-K through grade 8.


Take It Outside Series

    The “Take It Outside” Adult Series is back again this year with exciting trips for area adults.
    Oct 10 is Putnam’s Horse Drawn Wagon Ride and a trip to the MSAD 1 school farm. The fee is $25 with includes transportation and lunch.
    On Oct. 15 is a trip to Bradford Camps on Munsungan Lake. The fee is $40, which includes transportation and lunch. Oct. 19 is a day hiking trip to Deboullie. The fee is $20, which includes transportation.
    Contact the recreation office at 493-4224 for more information.

Men’s basketball

    Men’s basketball meets on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7-9 p.m. from Oct. 16 through April 30, 2014.
    There will be an organizational meeting on Oct. 16 at 6:30 p.m. at the Caribou Wellness and Recreation Center.

Men’s 30-and-over basketball

    Men’s 30-and-over basketball begins Oct. 15 and meets Tuesdays from 7-9 p.m. and Sundays from 10 a.m.-noon through April 20, 2014 at the wellness center.
    There is a $3 fee per person for the Sunday session.