100 Years Ago-Dec, 3, 1913
Aroostook Times
Of local interest — Herman Lougee of Dyer Brook snared a fine bobcat one night last week. Mr. Daniel Dickison (of Ludlow) is moving to Houlton for the winter. Cassie Mitchell and Alta Anderson, students at the Patten Academy, spent Thanksgiving with their parents in this town (Crystal). Mark Radigan of this town (Houlton) has been elected Captain of the Basket Ball team of St. Mary’s College, Van Buren. According to the annual yearbook of the Maine Federation of Woman’s Clubs, the Houlton Woman’s Club is the largest affiliated club in the state.
Ebony and ivory — In their advertisement, Pearson, The Jeweler, in the Fogg Block, Houlton, is offering Parisian ivory, “the rage in manicure pieces for the ladies’ toilet table,” as well as “a good showing of real and imitation ebony in serviceable pieces.”
75 Years Ago-Dec, 8, 1938
Houlton Pioneer Times
Dyer Brook’s rambling ram — W. B. Randall of this town recently brought home a new ram, which he turned at large. The animal, wishing to assert his supremacy, looked about for challengers. Mr. Randall had left his car in the yard, and the hard-headed beast, in his search for opposition, noticed his reflection in the shiny side of the car, lowered his head and began to do battle with his imaginary foe.
Women’s Club sponsors Bridgewater scouts — On Tuesday afternoon, the regular meeting of the Bridgewater Women’s Club was held. A feature of this meeting was a splendid talk on Boy Scouting by W. R. Spiers, Aroostook Scout Executive. The club consented to start a chartered troop in Bridgewater and appointed as a committee Mrs. Jessie Bradstreet, Mrs. Clara Hartley, and Mrs. Gladys MacIlroy.
50 Years Ago-Dec. 5, 1963
Houlton Pioneer Times
Trainmen’s auxiliary elects officers — The annual election of officers of the Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen (Linneus) was conducted Nov. 19 following a dinner at Al’s banquet rooms in Houlton. Elected were: Capitola Parker, president; Viola Milton, vice president; Mary Ann Cyr, conductress; Gladys McQuarrie, treasurer; Verna Mersereau, secretary; Jessie Dickinson, chaplain; Verna Barrows, warden; Faye Donley, inner guard; Daphne Barrows, outer guard; Viola Milton, legislative representative; Frederick Annett, counselor.
File photo 1963
GIRLS BASKETBALL AT HODGDON HIGH — Miss Barbara Hitchings is coach of the girls basketball team for the coming season at Hodgdon High School. Members of the team are, from left, front row: Nancy Welton, Cindy Wilson, Donna Stewart, Sally Royal, Jean Tuttle and Sally Quint. Back row: Miss Hitchings, Sara Ingraham, Evelyn Boone, and co-manager Arlene Turney. Absent for the photo was co-manager Mary Ellen Blinn.
Wassail to be served — As in former years, Wassail will be a feature of the annual Christmas Sale and Tea to be held at First Church, Unitarian and Congregational, Saturday afternoon, Dec. 7 from two to five. All four women’s organizations and the girls of the Youth Group will participate in the affair.
25 Years Ago-Dec. 7, 1988
Houlton Pioneer Times
Information Center visits up 35 percent — The final figures on the 1988 summer tourism season show increases in all the indicators tracked by the state Office of Tourism. There was an overall increase of 17.2 percent in walk-in inquiries at the state owned visitor information centers at Calais, Kittery, Yarmouth and Houlton, with Houlton showing a notable increase of 35.2 percent over 1987 figures.
Daigle Oil to open station — The Daigle Oil Co. will open a full service gasoline and diesel station and “Gentle Ben” touchless car wash at the site of the former Tower Restaurant at Bangor and Military streets in Houlton, according to Maxine Daigle-Robichaud, Doc’s management consultant. Guy D. Daigle of Daigle Appliance Co. of Fort Kent founded the Guy Daigle Oil Company in 1955 when he purchased one oil truck and delivered home heating oil from door to door.