Time is past due for Ricker Rumblings. Hope all my readers are in good shape, joyful and waiting for spring weather. We are fortunate we do not have it worse (weather that is) as many states are: icy, slick roads and snow, snow, snow.
We really need to count our blessings, don’t you think!
Charlene, Jeannie and Gary have all been on the sick list and all are better now. Charlene Henderson and Gary Keyes had bad colds and Jeannie was in the hospital for several days but is now doing well. Thanks to my neighbors who have been supplying me with bags, any size and color. I’m the bag lady who helps keep good as New store supplied and their staff sure appreciates it.
Dianne Richard made an appearance here this week. Her father is in a Millinocket hospital, as far as I know. Diane has been away for several weeks taking care of family, as needed. We miss you, Dianne, as does her neighbor Harriet.
Valentine Day is fast approaching. It used to be a big day in schools long ago. I wonder what it is like now. My only brother Paul was almost a Valentine baby, born Feb. 13. He will be 93 years young.
I recently had a visit with my grandson and great-grandson, Jeremy Rockwell and Silas. It was a visit I will remember for a long time. They live in Houston. So nice to see them again.
For those who do not know on Feb. 14 at St. Mary of the Visitation Church will have a Healing Mass at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 14 is the Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes and there will be a sprinkling of holy water for those present. Everyone is welcome.
The Bingo ladies and gentlemen recently had a thank you from the Food Pantry at St. Mary Church. We donated a sum of money (derived from Bingo) and Mildred Madigan, coordinator, sent the thank you note. Maybe some of the tenants did not see the note on the bulletin board.
On the subject of angels: “Angels are counselors sent from God.”
Members of the Houlton Council of Catholic Women on Monday, Feb. 3 packed Valentine gift bags for the shut-ins. Many people receiving the bags of goodies are so grateful. It is a pleasure we sure enjoy. The bags contain crackers, cheese, graham crackers, candy, chocolates, home baked cookies, wafers, fruit and much more, even a Valentine made by a student in the religious education class.
Have a wonderful week, and take good care of yourself.