Student of the year honored at Caribou Regional Tech Center

11 years ago

Officials at the Caribou Regional Technology Center recently announced that Caleb Gordon has been selected as their Student of the Year. He is the son of Loren Gordon and Kelly Scott of Caribou.
Gordon took the Residential Construction I program his junior year and is in both Residential Construction II and the Large Equipment Maintenance and Operation program this year.
His instructors, Tom Huston and John Worsley, agree that he has an exceptional interest in their subjects and a great desire to learn more and improve his skills. They described Gordon as “a conscientious, dependable student who follows directions well and completes tasks in a timely manner. He arrives each day ready to learn and is quick to share new knowledge with his classmates.”
Some of Gordon’s hobbies include: riding a four-wheeler, motocross, hunting and spending time with the ones he loves. He is a part-time instructor at the Caribou School of Martial Arts, where he has volunteered many hours. He also volunteers at the Caribou Park and Ride and shovels roofs for the elderly. He has worked about 20 hours per week while going to school and taking two college classes.
“Caleb has been a great asset to the residential construction program for two years and the large equipment program this year at the Caribou Technology Center,” said school officials. “He has been accepted into the wind power technology program at Northern Maine Community College for next year where we are sure he will be a success.”
Gordon, his mother, father, Huston, Worsley and CRTC Director Ralph Conroy attended a celebration honoring one student from each of the 26 Career and Technical Education Centers in Maine. The event was held at the Lewiston Technology Center, where Rep. Mike Michaud was the guest speaker.