Former Mayor of Brewer on ballot as Democratic candidate for House District 148

11 years ago

    LIMESTONE, Maine — Limestone resident Alan Whittemore is on the ballot as a Democratic candidate for House District 148 and faces a primary on June 10, 2014. The former mayor of Brewer first appeared at the Maine School of Science and Mathematics (MSSM) back in 1994 as employee number one. It was during this time Whittemore witnessed an effective legislature firsthand.

    “All politics is local, and I believe the county delegation needs to work together to advocate and protect our way of life here. This can be done effectively regardless of parties or who sits in the Blaine House,” he said.

   After sharing his work experience at other schools throughout the U.S., and living a brief time overseas, Whittemore was delighted when provided the opportunity to return to Aroostook County as the MSSM’s enrollment manager. Since Whittemore’s return, the school has outgrown its current dormitory space, necessitating the addition of the former Limestone Manor and creating several new employment opportunities for Aroostook County.

    “As the initial representative to the young people from all parts of Maine, it is rewarding to share with them how neighborly and welcoming the area is, an environment whose climate encourages us to look after one another so we may flourish under the bright blue skies of northern Maine. Of all the places I have lived, I am grateful to be able to choose to live here. I want to see sustainable growth, rather than the current trend of decline economically as well as by population.”

    Born in Rumford, Whittemore  served aboard ship as a U.S. Naval officer for several years and was re-activated overseas during Desert Storm. Shortly afterwards, he joined the Maine Army National Guard in Caribou with the 152nd Field Artillery Battalion, retiring after 20 years of service.

    “My father, a WWII vet and first generation immigrant, instilled upon his children the notion of service — service to our neighbor, service to God and our country and, of course, to family. Throughout my lifetime I have searched for and been rewarded to find opportunities to serve such as being re-elected the commander of the local VFW 9389. To be able to share my experience, strength and hope with those who seek a variety of assistance is gratifying to me,” Whittemore said.

    Whittemore’s children, Hannah and Jon, both attend Husson University and visit their father whenever breaks in college permit. In addition to politics, Whittemore enjoys exploring the waterways and byways either by kayak or motorcycle.

    A graduate of the University of Maine, Whittemore has a master’s degree in administration and his bachelor’s degree in political science from University of Southern Maine. He was recently elected to the board of directors of the National Consortium for Specialized Secondary Schools of Mathematics, Science and Technology (NCSSSMST) and enjoys exploring new ideas in encouraging tomorrow’s leaders to thrive in The County. 

    The boundaries of District 148 have recently been re-mapped and the district was formally represented by Rep. Bernard Ayotte who has been termed out. In addition to Limestone, the district encompasses Fort Fairfield, Easton, southeast Presque Isle, Caswell, Connor, Stockholm, Cyr Plantation and Hamlin.