The Island Falls Senior Citizens met at the municipal building on Nov. 20 with 16 members present.
After a delicious potluck lunch, entertainment was provided by Rich Camire and his guitar. Following the entertainment, the business meeting was opened by president Rich.
After the Flag Salute and Lord’s Prayer, the secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were presented by Terry Dwyer and Jeanne Clements, respectively.
Members decided that they would have only one meeting in December, on the 4th, and combine a pizza party with a Yankee swap. After the business meeting, members played “the game” with 13 participating.
Present were Dennis Boone, Mary Pipes, Donna Baker, Verna Boone, Mary Lawler, Donna Furrow, Ellie Peck, Gloria Noyes, Mary Joy, Ursula Levesque, Edith Dwyer, Rich Camire, Darrell Hartin, Helen Sherman, Jeanne Clements and Terry Dwyer.