Island Falls Notes

Riva Hawkes, Special to The County
9 years ago

On Jan. 16 the Island Falls VFW Post 7529 held its monthly supper, which was prepared by Chef Grey Hawk, assisted by Cathy and Lisabette.

The menu consisted of roast pork and beef, assorted vegetables, green salad, mashed potatoes and, of course, many good desserts to enjoy, washed down by coffee and tea. Despite the cold and snowy weather quite a few hardy folks attended and are looking forward to next month’s good food.

Marion Hoar, John Stevens, Barbara Pelletier and Riva drove over to Sherman on Saturday, Jan. 16 to volunteer at the Upper Room. Despite the forecast of bad weather, they arrived on time and were extremely busy, as many people wanted to get shopping done before the storm arrived. Along about 10:30 the snow started coming down slowly, and by 1 o’clock it was decided to close shop and the group made their way home safe and sound.

I had a very nice note recently from a former resident of this area who now lives in Rochester, N.Y. She says she enjoys reading about Island Falls folks, especially if she remembers the names of folks she used to know.

I have seen both the male and female cardinal a lot lately. They like to arrive fairly early in the morning and just before dark in the evening, and both sit on the branch of the cedar tree before flying down to eat from the feeders. That way they avoid the pesky gray squirrels who really take over the feeders when they arrive about 10 a.m. Then it’s about time for the junco, finch and chickadees to salvage what they can after the squirrels leave.

One gray squirrel has perfected the art of leaping from the cedar tree into a feeder that I have that is open on both ends, and there he sits, with his tail hanging out one end and his head in the other end, eating sunflower seeds like there is no tomorrow, and the other squirrel hangs upside down with his nose into another feeder. Between the two of them I am kept busy running out with the sunflower seeds to refill everything and keep my feathered friends happy.

I still have at least five deer that come every evening after dark to gobble up the bread and apples I give them. One afternoon, though, I was surprised when, about 4:30 p.m., there were four deer right outside my bedroom window, busily eating the food I had just put out for them. They scampered quickly back into the woods, though, when they saw me watching them, but came back later when all was clear and finished up the bread and apples.