Sherman Seniors

9 years ago

The Sherman Area Senior Citizens met on May 18, 2016 for a potluck lunch.

Our lunch prayer was said and all headed for the food table. There was lots of very good food and a good time was had by all.

Those in attendance were Annie Atkinson, Donna Grass, Loretta Waiculonis, Esther Greener, John and Mary WIllett, Marilyn Sumers, Gloria Hayes, Charley and Marilyn Cullins, Earl Cummings, Maria Stoll, Mary and Kenny Wormen, Margaret Cullins, Fredda Stubbs, Norma Bragdon, Patty Violett, and Carla and Wayne Scott, guests, back from Florida.

The next meeting will be on June 1 for a potluck lunch and bingo.