Culvert work closes West Limestone Road

8 years ago

FORT FAIRFIELD, Maine — Fort Fairfield Public Works crews will replace a culvert which has failed near the entrance to F.A.R.M. Park on West Limestone Road on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 6 and 7, 2017 weather permitting.

The construction project will require the road be closed to all traffic for two days while the work is completed.

“We are mindful of the need for residents who live on West Limestone Road, and farmers who have fields in the area, to be able to access their homes, barns and fields,” stated Darren Hanson, public works director, “but the old pipe under the road has separated, so we will need to excavate the entire section of road to dig out the old pipe and replace it with a new culvert and an overflow pipe.

“This new infrastructure will be able to handle the water flows in this area much better and help preserve the road moving forward, but the work will take two days to complete resulting in a short detour and a minor inconvenience for folks,” he said.

Those needing access to and from town via the West Limestone Road will be rerouted across Flannery Road to Center Limestone Road, a detour of about two miles.

For more information, contact Hanson at 472-3884 or, or contact Marketing and Economic Director Tim Goff at 472-3802 or