Happy Losers group meets

8 years ago

On May 24, the weight group called Happy Losers held its weekly meeting at the United Baptist Church vestry in Island Falls.

The leader welcomed the members followed by the pledge and roll call. Lois Green was the loser of the week and Riva Hawkes was runner-up. Great job, ladies. Secretary and treasurer reports were also given.

The leader led the program for the week. Her topic was the power of living foods. Very interesting. Eight members weighed in and seven attended the class.

On May 17, Pratt opened the meeting by welcoming the members followed by the pledge and roll call. Nine members weighed in and seven attended the class. Cecilia Brown was the loser of the week, and Loretta Bouchard was runner-up. Great job, ladies.

The leader led the program for the week. Her topic was vitamin D. This vitamin has the power to fight off infections, also helps bones and hair loss. We know the sun helps. We welcomed Riva Hawkes to class. Everyone was happy to see her.

The public is welcome to our group. We meet every Wednesday. Weigh-ins are from 8 to 8:30 a.m. and the meeting starts after. For more information call 365-4884.