Daughters of Isabella meet

8 years ago


CARIBOU, Maine — Old Man Winter just didn’t want to give Aroostook County a break during March, but after three cancelled meetings due to inclement weather, Caribou’s Daughters of Isabella Circle finally were able to hold their meeting on March 2, 2017 at the Parish Center. Prior to the meeting, members of the Circle assembled at Mockler’s Funeral Home for prayers for our deceased sister Jeanne Jalbert.

Robin Fortin, a new member, was recipient of a birthday gift and the Happy Birthday song was sung for all the Daughters, who had a birthday in March. Sharon Perreault won the 50/50 raffle, which she generously donated to the Circle.

Chancellor Jeanine Morneault led the Circle in Opening prayer and the Pledge of Alligence.  Monitor Madeline Guerrette escorted new member Robin Fortin and she was initiated as the newest member of our Circle, with the short form conferral. Welcome Robin.  Next, the Ode was recited and obligation was taken by all.

Secretary’s reports and treasurer’s reports were read and approved and filed for audit.  Roll call of officers showed 4 absent. Two thank you cards were read by Secretary, Dolores D. Martin. One card was from Theresa Wunderlich thanking everyone for their prayers and one card from Carmen Thibodeau on the occasion of her 96th birthday.

Vice Regent Elaine Haines reported cards were sent to Madeline Guerrette, Elizabeth Beaulieu, Theresa Wunderlich, Joan Bishop, Cindy Gagnon, and Carmen Thibodeau. Elaine Haines and Lucille Wark went to Rising Hill and visited with Eleanor Gagnon and Germaine Albair. A card was sent to Omerine Cyr, who was in rehab and Vice Regent Elaine Haines attended Rachel Cyr’s funeral in support of Jeanine Morneault. Cards were also sent to Josephine St. Peter and to International Headquarters, as they lost their office manager Sharon Carlow. Cards will be sent to Jeanne Jalbert’s family, Donna Sturzl, Bea Pirie and Father Alex.

Regent Mary Ellen Field commended Vice Regent Elaine Haines for all her efforts and visiting the sick in our Circle.  A warm thank you from the Circle was extended to Vice Regent Elaine. There were no winners from our Circle or Aroostook County this month for the 40-Week Club.

Past Regent Gail Hjort gave six layettes to Cary Medical Center to recipients that were very appreciative to receive this helpful supply of various items for their baby.

Regent Mary Ellen has tickets to be sold on the theme baskets and the basket was displayed for members to bring in items. Our Circle’s theme is “Stress Relief.” These baskets will be raffled at the State Convention and the monies raised from these sales will go to various charities in our state. Tickets are $1.00 each or a book of 6 for $5.00.

It was reported that the monies for the State Projects have been paid. It was motioned by Dolores D. Martin to send our worthy Regent Mary Ellen Field and have as our alternate Vice Regent Elaine Haines to the  State Convention. This motion was seconded by Gail Hjort. All were in favor.

It was motioned by Tina Sirois and seconded by Jeanine Morneault to submit the name of the Homeless Shelter for our Veterans Home being built in Caribou, Maine.  All were in favor.  Regent Mary Ellen extended the open invitation to all members to attend the Opening Mass and Memorial Service on Friday, May 19, 2017 at 5 p.m. to be celebrated by our Pastor Father Jean Paul and our two vicars Father Alex and Father Steve. The local Circles:  Holy Rosary Circle, Caribou,

St Mary’s, Presque Isle, Santa Maria, Fort Fairfield, Evangeline Circle, Van Buren, and St. Thomas Aquinas, Madawaska have been working very hard for the last year and a half for this convention. See our Regent for registration forms for the convention weekend—May 19-21, 2017 at Holy Rosary Church and Caribou Inn and Convention Center.

Regent thanked the refreshment committee for this evening especially this being the third time this month they prepared for  the meeting. On the committee were:  Theresa Wunderlich, Bea Pirie, Donna Sturzl who sent in their refreshments. Vice Regent Elaine Haines set up the festive décor assisted by Madeline Guerrette and Tina Sirois.

Closing prayer was led by Chancellor:Jeanine Morneault, as well as well as a prayer for increased membership.  

Our Circle is always looking to extend our circle of friends, if interested please seek out a member or call the Parish Rectory for contact information. Today, the Daughters of Isabella is one of the largest Catholic women’s organizations, with a membership of over 60,000 women from the United States and Canada and has continued to prosper and establish bonds among Catholic women throughout the world. Members encourage each other’s total development and foster growth of every aspect of life: spiritual, social and charitable–adding up to a more fulfilling life. Please consider joining us.


April showers bring May flowers? Not for Caribou—it brings snow.  On April 4 2017, Caribou’s Daughters of Isabella Circle held their monthly meeting at the Parish Center.

Members celebrated those with April birthdays: Rena LaGasse, Michelle Hersey and Diane Saucier.  Rena’s name was pulled and she received a small gift and “Happy Birthday” was sung for all the ladies having birthdays this month.  The 50/50 was won by Rena LaGasse. Regent Mary Ellen Field led the circle in opening prayer, Pledge to Flag and the Ode was recited.

Draping of the charter ceremony was done for our deceased sister Jeanne Jalbert led by Regent Mary Ellen and assisted by Madeline Guerrette, Gail Hjort and Jeanine Morneault. The song “Oh What Could My Jesus Do More” was sung.

Roll call of officers showed three absent. The secretary’s report was read and correction made to add Robin Fortin to the refreshment committee. Treasurer’s report was given and filed for audit.

Regent Mary Ellen Field read a thank you note from the Blanket Ministry for our donation to them. Ten blankets were brought to the Veterans Administration at Cary Medical Center and was very much appreciated.

Vice Regent Elaine Haines reported “Get Well”cards were sent to the following:  Father Alex, stating no more flat tires, Bea Pirie and Beverly McNeal. A sympathy card was sent to the family of Ann Gehrke, Past State Regent of Madison, Maine. “Thinking of You” cards will be sent to:  Father Clement Thibodeau, our State Chaplain, Father Lionel Chouinard, and Omerine Cyr. A sympathy card was sent to Brandy Osterblom on the loss of her mother-in-law Pam. Cards will be sent to:  Norma Shaw, Peg Winston, Jeanne Beaulieu and Josephine Bell. Elaine visited Omerine Cyr at rehab.

Gail Hjort: Welfare chairperson reported two layettes were given out in the community this month.

Forty Week Club: Report has not come in yet.

Discount cards are available for 15 local vendors from any Daughter of Isabella. This is an ongoing fundraiser for our Circle and the monies raised goes to the many charities that we support.

State Convention: Regent Mary Ellen asked for volunteers for Mass on May 20, 2017 at 4 p.m. Gail Hjort and Tina Sirois will be ushers and collectors, Elizabeth Long and Priscilla Foley will be greeters. Update on convention: Registration May 19, 2017 at the Caribou Inn and Convention Center, Mass at Holy Rosary at 5p.m. will be celebrated by pastor Father Jean Paul Labrie and our vicars Father Alex and Father Steve. Dinner will be in the Church Hall, followed by Taize Ministry in the Church and then back to Caribou Motor Inn for socialization by the pool.

Saturday at 8 a.m. the business meeting will start. Lunch will be on your own, Past Regents will lunch at the Parish Center, and finish up of the meeting. Mass will be at 4 p.m. on May 20, 2017 at Holy Rosary Church celebrated by Bishop Robert Deeley, followed by the installation of officers and followed by a banquet and awards at the Caribou Inn and Convention Center. May 21, 2017 at 8:30 a.m. finish with the raffle of theme baskets and awards of the 40-Week Club.  Gail Hjort, Past Regent, is working on updating our books.  

Our Circle received an invitation for Queen Isabella Day to be held April 23, 2017 at St. Denis Catholic Church starting with the 11 o’clock Mass, followed by dinner and reception at the K. of C. Hall at a cost of$20 per person.  On April 10, 2017 the Gray Memorial Methodist Church prayer service will be held at noon. Father LaBrie will be the guest speaker. Our Circle was asked by Blanket Ministry to donate for luncheon following the service. Obligation taken.

Regent Mary Ellen thanked the refreshment committee for the beautiful Easter motif. On the committee serving with Phyllis Belanger were: Rena LaGasse, Rita Worley and Robin Fortin. Chairwoman Phyllis Belanger had four surprises for the Easter season and the following received bunnies: Priscilla Foley, Vi Cummings Sirois, Jeanine Morneault and Donna Sturzl. Next month’s meeting is potluck, on May 2, 2017 beginning at 5:30 and members may bring guests. On the refreshment committee will be: Priscilla Foley, Johanna Beaulieu and Peg Winston.

The Circle was led in cosing prayer and the meeting was adjourned.  Remember, new members are always welcomed.


On May 2, 2017, Caribou’s Daughters of Isabella Circle held their monthly meeting at the Parish Center.

The group recognized May birthdays: Priscilla Foley, Diane Saucier, and Sharon Perreault. Priscilla Foley’s name was drawn and she received a small gift. Happy Birthday was sung for all the ladies celebrating May birthdays. The 50/50 was won by Robin Fortin and she made a donation back to the Circle.  Thank you, Robin.  Dolores D. Martin led the Circle in the Blessing before the meal.  Everyone enjoyed a fabulous Pot Luck meal.  One thing for sure, we have some great cooks.

After the good food and social time, Vice Regent Elaine Haines welcomed the group and conducted the meeting. She led the group in opening prayer and the Pledge to the Flag was recited.

Roll call of officers showed four absent.  Secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and approved.  Secretary Dolores D. Martin read a card from the family of Jeanne Jalbert for the Daughters’ participation in Jeanne’s funeral. Notes were received from Norma Shaw and Suzanne Harmon Withee, along with a donation for our scholarship fund on behalf of member Annette Harmon.

Vice Regent Elaine Haines reported that the following were sent cards: Family of Ann Gehrke, Father Clement Thibodeau, our state chaplain Father Lionel Chouinard, Brandy Osterblom in Fort Fairfield,  Josephine St. Peter.  Vice Regent Elaine visited with Omerine Cyr at Caribou Rehab. Cards will be sent to:  Norma Shaw, Peg Winston and Josephine Bell.

No report yet this month on the 40-Week Club. Information will be given at the State Convention.

It was moved by Tina Sirois and seconded by Theresa Wunderlich to give our annual donation of $1,000 towards the fuel fund for the parish.  All were in favor.

Our pastor Father Jean Paul Labrie is celebrating 35 years in the priesthood on May 23, and there will be a gathering at the Presque Isle Inn and Convention Center to honor him. The cost is $20 a plate. Tickets are available at the Rectory. It was moved by Michelle Hersey and seconded by Tina Sirois to give Father Jean Paul $100. All were in favor.

Past Regent Gail Hjort reported that no layettes were given out this past month. Donations to the Layette Program was made by Debbie Chabre; she brought in a beautiful sweater set, all done in pink with a matching afghan which was made and donated by Diane Adams. Also a bagful of onesies, bibs and many other baby items were donated by Louise Brescia. These items will supplement our layettes. Debbie Chabre also reported that she had knit 120 baby hats and these were given to Cary Medical Center for the babies.

It was announced that our local scholarship recipient is Samantha Fortin, daughter of Robin Fortin.  Her application has been sent to State for their consideration. Congratulations, Samantha.

State Convention is right around the corner.  Our Regent Mary Ellen Field asked for volunteers for 4 p.m. at the Church Hall on May 18, 2017 to set up and decorate. Several ladies signed up.

Our new books are being printed and Past Regent Gail Hjort asked members to update her on addresses, phone numbers, etc.

Slate of new officers for 2017-2019 was presented to the Circle and will be voted on at the June meeting. They are as follows: regent, Elaine Haines; vice regent, Dolores D. Martin; past regent, Mary Ellen Field; financial secretary, Gail Hjort; recording secretary, Jeanine Morneault; scribe, Bea Pirie; chancellor, Elizabeth Long; treasurer, Sharon Perreault; auditors, Rena LaGasse, Priscilla Foley and Claire Randolph; custodian, Madeline Guerrette; monitor,: Michelle Hersey; first guide, Debbie Chabre; second guide, Tina Sirois; inner guard, Phyllis Brown; outer guard, Diane Saucier; and banner bearer, Rita Worley.

Next month’s refreshment committee are: chairperson Gail Hjort,  Vi Cummings Sirois, Adeline Beaulieu and Norma Shaw.

Vice Regent Elaine Haines led the circle in closing prayer and prayer for increase in vocations. Meeting was adjourned.  

The Order of the Daughters of Isabella is a charitable organization of Catholic women founded on the principle of its motto: Unity, Friendship and Charity.  We come together as a sisterhood to uphold the teachings of the Catholic Church, bringing spiritual benefits to our members and contributing to the common good of humanity.  By our faith we are called to serve, inspired and challenged to do God’s work. Please consider finding out about us and join us.  All are welcome.