Lawmakers should first do no harm

Gail Maynard, Special to The County
8 years ago

To the Editor:

Physicians take an oath to “First do no harm” when making decisions about patient care.  I believe that legislators should take a similar pledge as they deliberate life and death health care issues affecting millions of Americans.

The Senate version of the House passed American Health Care Act (AHCA), compiled in total secrecy by a handful of senators, has hit the Senate floor for a vote without public hearings, committee debate, or real opportunity for amendment.  Republican leaders have vowed to pass the bill by the arbitrary date of July 4.

If passed, this bill would have a devastating impact on our Maine families and neighbors.  People with pre-existing conditions could face unaffordable coverage increases.  Older Mainers (age 50-64) could face an “age tax” with premiums rising dramatically.  Most draconian of all, the bill allows massive cuts to Medicaid, ($839 billion over 10 years). Medicaid serves the most vulnerable among us, the fragile elderly, the disabled, and children in poverty, nursing home residents and the working poor.

While denying life-saving healthcare to millions of Americans, this bill provides huge tax breaks for insurance and drug companies and our wealthiest citizens.  This is unconscionable. Call Sen. Susan Collins, 844 259-9335, tell her to scrap the AHCA.  It is time for Collins to live up to her “moderate” image, and stand with her constituents for affordable healthcare.  Ask her to, first do no harm.

Gail Maynard
