RSU 39 plans school update

8 years ago

CARIBOU, Maine — RSU 39 officials will hold a public meeting at the Caribou Performing Arts Center Thursday, June 29, at 6 p.m. to update citizens on the progress of a new $50 million PreK-8 school to be built where Teague Park currently stands.

While RSU towns of Limestone, Stockholm, and Caribou collectively voted to accept the project, officials still need to take several steps before children can attend in August of 2020. Hilltop Elementary recently closed and will be transitioned into a senior living center, meaning that for the next two years students will be split between Teague Park and Caribou Middle School. Also, an administrative office will be built near the Teague Park swimming pool and the Caribou Learning Center will be closed by the end of this year.

As construction finishes, the Maine Department of Education will fund demolition of both Teague Park and the Middle School.

In addition to informing the public about the project’s current progress and any changes in the timeline, RSU 39 officials will be available to answer any questions citizens may have.