Presque Isle area From Our Files (week of July 19, 2017)

8 years ago

102 Years Ago – July 22, 1915

Ford Automobile Co. — Official announcement was made by the Ford Automobile Co. of the distribution among purchasers of Ford autos of $15,000,000, being the rebate of $50 allowed to buyers of 1915 cars, contingent on a sale of 300,000 being reached by July 1.

Elected — Major Atwood W. Spaulding, a prominent business man of Caribou, had been elected to the Board of Directors of the Bangor & Aroostook Railroad, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of his father, the late W. C. Spaulding, who was for many years one of the B. & A. R. R. directors.

75 Years Ago – July 16, 1942

Architectural staff — John C. LeVasseur of this city was selected to be a member of the architectural staff of the Federal Housing Administration, announced by John H. Magee, State Director for Maine. He was formerly engaged in the private practice as an architect in Presque Isle and a member of the firm of Carlson and LeVasseur, Inc.

Rotary speakers — Brigadier-General F. O. D. Hunter and Colonel Raphael Baez, Jr., of the Presque Isle Army Air Field were principal speakers at the Rotary Club luncheon at the Northeastland. The session was presided over by President Percy Winslow. Past President Dr. R. A. Graves was present after being absent for a time from illness.

50 Years Ago – July 19, 1967

Purple Heart — Army Private First Class Benjamin E. Carter of Presque Isle was presented the Purple Heart Medal for wounds received in hostile action while serving the Republic of Vietnam. PFC Carter was wounded April 1, 1967 while serving with “F” Troop, 11th Cavalry, 196th Light Infantry Brigade near Tay Ninh, Vietnam.

RC&D tour — Twenty-nine Aroostook County men and women toured six R.C.&D. Project measure sites in Central Aroostook. The tour for employees of the Soil Conservation Service, their wives and other interested parties began at Presque Isle at the Agricultural Building on Main Street.

25 Years Ago – July 15, 1992

Aroostook Leaders — Receiving certificates for completion of Leadership Aroostook, a program sponsored by the University of Maine at Presque Isle to increase leadership skills and community, were Kristi Perrow of the Caribou Development Corporation; Cheryl Martin of Presque Isle; Margaret Bean of the Aroostook County Action Program in Presque Isle; Sharon Worcester of the Presque Isle Water District; Peter Davis of Chester M. Kearney, CPA; Barry Bartley of Maine Public Service; John Koelsch of Presque Isle; and Shirley Aube of the Aroostook Agency on Aging in Presque Isle.

Car show — A total of 60 automobile enthusiasts from Aroostook County and New Brunswick entered their vehicles in the June 28 Classic Car Show held in conjunction with Presque Isle’s June Jubilee festival. The event was sponsored by the Presque Isle Area Chamber of Commerce and Clukey’s Auto Supply Inc. Claiming five of six awards was a 1937 Chevrolet coupe owned by Milton Adelman of Mars Hill. The only other prize, second place in the People’s Choice category, went to Lynn Webster of Perth, New Brunswick. Committee members in charge of the event were Tom Clukey, George Watson and Milt Smith.