Scouting is about building community

7 years ago

To the editor,

Hello, my name is Carvor Pendexter and I’m a Boy Scout of Troop 177 Washburn. I am currently working on my Communications Merit Badge. In this merit badge I have to write to a newspaper editor about a subject that I like or have an opinion on. So I’m going to tell you a little about Boy Scouts and what it is about. Boy Scouts to me is like a vacation away from home.

When I first joined, my Scoutmaster Larry Harrison told me, “It’s only one hour a week.” Well, he was right the first week. After a few meetings went by, I learned that it was so much more than just an hour a week.

In Boy Scouts, we never get a day off. But that is the best part about it, because in Scouts we have a great time. We do all kinds of neat and cool stuff. We are able to go on cookouts, camporees, or big trips like to the National Jamboree in West Virginia. But there is a catch to it. We can’t do all of that for free, so we do a lot of fundraising, such as holding bottle drives or selling meat sticks. Yeah, that might not sound so great, but it’s great for the kids and the parents too. Some kids can’t get out and do stuff like other kids can do. So it’s a great opportunity for the kids to join and to get to do all the cool stuff us Scouts get to do.

Also, we help out our community. We donate our service to them if they need help setting up for events or going around and picking up trash on the roads.

So like I mentioned it’s not just about the kids. It’s about the family members and people in our community.

That is my paper about Boy Scouts. I hope you enjoyed.

Carvor Pendexter
