115 Years Ago – April 28, 1903
New rig — Nate Currier, the “ten cent man,” has just purchased a fine new covered rig for use in his business, and as the picnic season approaches he will be able to carry picnic parties at any time.
Meeting — All persons interested in the promotion of an electric railroad from Caribou to Woodland, Washburn and Perham are requested to meet in the office of Eugene A. Holmes.
100 Years Ago – May 1, 1918
Around town — The new Soldier’s Monument was placed in position on Tuesday. Also, some early peas have been planted.
75 Years Ago – April 28, 1943
Masonic service held — Masonic funeral services were held for Newman Doyle, prominent local farmer, at his home on the Fort Fairfield road on Tuesday afternoon. He passed away on Saturday after several weeks of illness. Mr. Doyle was the son of John and Rachel Wark Doyle, both of New Brunswick. He was born on the former John Doyle farm across the river from his own farm on July 15, 1865. Mr. Doyle was a member of Lodge 107, F. and A.M. and a Shriner. He also belonged to the Knights of Pythias, a lodge now extinct in Caribou.
Brings to head Rotary — Parkin Briggs was elected head of the Caribou Rotary from the coming year at the election meeting on April 21. Other officers elected include E.J. Johnston, vice-president; Ralph T. Scott, secretary; and Frank E. Pendleton, treasurer.
50 Years Ago – May 1, 1968
New services — New services are being brought to the laboratory at Cary Memorial Hospital with the arrival here of Dr. Lewis E. Nolan, pathologist, who already has assumed duties with the medical staff. With the new pathologist here, many laboratory services which have been “farmed out” elsewhere will be returned to the local hospital, and autopsies and frozen services not previously available here are now possible.
Doc Williams coming — “Doc” Williams, star of radio, recordings and television, will bring his country music concert and variety show to Caribou on May 7. A big two-hour stage show is scheduled to get underway at 8 p.m. at the Junior High School auditorium. Boy Scout 185 is sponsoring the show. Williams is widely recognized as “one of the all-time great of country music”.
25 Years Ago – April 28, 1993
Chief — The Caribou City Council Monday night ratified the city manager’s appointment of Sgt. Arthur N. Gorney as the city’s new police chief. His appointment will take effect May 8. City manager Richard C. Mattila said the city advertised statewide to fill the position after Chief Robert Long announced his retirement. Five applicants were selected from a field of 11 applications to be interviewed, according to Mattila.
Contestants — Eight Limestone High School seniors will vie for the Miss Limestone title at the 7 p.m., Friday, May 7 pageant at the high school auditorium. Queen contenders include Michelle Y. Bagley, Monique M. Lloyd, Clair E. Smith, Heather A. Huckins, Sarah “Katie” Shaw, Hannah L. Schneider, Danielle J. Spink and Paula T. Walker.