Beta Sigma Phi meets

7 years ago

Maine Epsilon Master chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met on May 17 at the home of Helene Bernard.

Tammy Walton and Linda Swett were honored in a Golden Circle ceremony representing 50 years of membership. Each was presented a yellow rose and certificate by president Sue Lougee.

During the business meeting, thank you notes from Ginny Packard and the Northeastland Hotel were shared. Dolores Hutchins reported on the Founders Day banquet held in April. Many members shared that it was a wonderful evening with friends from surrounding chapters and thanked Do for her efforts in organizing the event.

Members voted to make a donation to Martha and Mary’s food pantry.

The installation of officers for 2018-19 was held. New officers are: president Helene Bernard, vice-president Bonnie Cowett, corresponding secretary Cathy Walton, recording secretary Ellen Helstrom, and treasurer Peggy Erwin.

As outgoing president, Sue Lougee presented gifts to outgoing officers.

The 50-50 was won by Cathy Walton, and many happy dollars were shared. Refreshments were served by the social committee, headed by Cathy Walton.

A summer gathering at Mae Gerrish’s cottage at Eagle Lake will be announced at a later date.