The Oakfield Seniors met at the Smoki-Haulers Snowmobile Clubhouse for their last meeting of January 2019.
After a delicious potluck luncheon, president Alberta called the business meeting to order with the Lord’s Prayer, followed by the Flag Salute.
George Barrow was the 50/50 raffle winner. All reports were presented and accepted.
Officers were elected for 2019. Several ideas were discussed about projects and activities for the upcoming year.
Bring a Valentine card to our next meeting on Feb. 6.
Judy Williams was welcomed as our first new member for 2019.
Attending were: Marie Gillotti, Alberta McDonald, Bernice Campbell, Don and Charlotte Marley, Judy Williams, George Barrow, Wannetta Townsend, Earl and Lottie Doughty.
All seniors are invited to join us on Feb. 6 for a potluck luncheon followed by a business meeting and Valentine card exchange. Y’all come.